Chapter Twenty-Eight.

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Normani's POV

Your Honor given the circumstances here and the people request no bail. I'd also like to motion that Mrs. Jauregui surrender her passports.

Your Honor my client suffers from depression and schizophrenia. We'd like to plead insanity.

Mrs. Jauregui stalked my client and called her on numerous occasions from multiple phone numbers to get in contact with her. When the detectives investigated the crime scene they found a room plastered with photos of my client. She's been watching her quite some time and that leads me to believe this attack was premeditated.

Judge Mendes pounded his gavel and the exchange between Preston and I stopped.

"After hearing both sides I'm ruling in favor of Mr. Howard. Mrs. Jauregui you are to undergo a psych evaluation before trial. No bail and you'll be required to surrender your passport to the court. Dismissed."

I helped Lauren's hand and said, "Trust me I'm gonna get you out of here."

The cops took Lauren away and I was left feeling a sense of defeat. I grabbed my briefcase and walked out of the courtroom. Time to go back to the drawing room and look for another way to win this case. I stepped onto the elevator and as the door was closing Preston slid in. I rolled my eyes and took my phone out of my bag and began checking my emails.

"So you're not gonna talk to me?" Preston asked.

I scoffed and continued to scroll through my emails. "Normani I know you hear me." He said.

"I hear you loud and clear Preston. But I don't have anything to say to you. I get you were in your feelings but you had no right holding that over my head." I said.

The elevator stopped and I got off, "I apologized for that shit."

"An apology isn't gonna fix this Preston. I never thought you would hold that against me considering the circumstances. You know why I did what I did, yet you're still bitter about." I said.

"What else do you want?" Preston asked.

"I need a break from this, from us. Whenever I'm ready to pick things up again, I'll let you know you. In the meantime go be with your ex-wife." I said.

I went outside, threw my things in the backseat, and drove away. I was done with work for the day. Trying to attack my case in this particular headspace would be a waste of time. I went home and decided to treat myself to some self-care. I turned on my Jhene Aiko, grabbed a bottle of wine, and soaked in my bathtub.

The vibe was right, then I started thinking. My mom's voice kept playing in my head on a loop.

How you get them is how you lose them.

For a minute she was right. I was a homewrecker. Preston and Victoria had something solid going until I came back in the picture. Maybe if I never came back into his things wouldn't be the way they are. They'd be together preparing for the birth of their child and they would still be married.

After I got out the tub and moisturized, I put my Spelman pajamas on and turned on Netflix. Some time went by and the wine started to hit me. I grabbed my blanket that keep close by and wrapped myself in it. I fell asleep and honestly it was the best nap I'd had in awhile. When I woke up the sun was starting to set over the city.

I stretched my limbs and went into the kitchen to try and put something together for dinner. But I was saved by none other than Dinah Jane. Dinah showed up with takeout from our favorite Italian spot and more wine.

"I thought your man was on paid leave or something." Dinah said.

"Not anymore, they let him come back and he dogged my ass out right away." I said.

"It's gonna be alright, you can beat this. But no work talk for the rest of the night." Dinah said.

We set up everything on the coffee table and sat down in the floor. That first bite of pasta was so good I started dancing a little bit.

"How are things with you and Zay?" I asked.

"Really good, I like him a lot." Dinah said.

"I'm happy for you." I said.

"I'm happy too, happy to get my back cracked on a regular basis." Dinah said.

Nothing you could say to that. "Lucky you." I said.

"He just hit them spots girl and it just makes me weak. I'm talking about that back arching, toe curling..."

"I get the picture, Dinah, I get it!"

"My bad. But what about you? You and Preston haven't made up yet?" Dinah asked.

I shook my head and twirled my pasta around my fork. "Every since the night you and I went out I've been off him. After court I told him I needed a break." I said.

"What happened with y'all?" Dinah asked.

"Long story short. I got pregnant before I went to Spelman, I got an abortion. We argued about him spending his time with his ex-wife and he threw that back in my face." I said.

"Wow, that's beyond low." Dinah said.

I wiggled my eyebrows and took a sip of my wine. "I was young and I was scared Dinah. I did what I thought was best for me."

"And no one should make you feel bad about you making decisions for your life." Dinah said.

"Do you think I'm a homewrecker?" I asked.

"No I do not. Here how I see it, their home was already wrecked before you came along. He was just looking for a way out." Dinah said.

"Love is hell." I said.

"Don't even try to think about it. Take as much time away from him as you need." Dinah said.


I know it's short but it's just a lil something. Now you know where Normani went that night.

Thoughts? Ideas?

10+ comments, have a happy Saturday ✌🏽

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