Chapter Sixteen.

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Preston's POV

Move-In Day Howard University

"Son how do you feel going to college?" Dad asked.

I didn't say anything, I lowered my baseball cap over my eyes and looked out the window. What was supposed to be one of the most exciting days of my life wasn't exciting at all. The girl I know I'm supposed to spend the rest of my life with broke my heart and I'm supposed to walk around and act like everything is okay.

We arrived at Howard about noon and move-in day was in full swing. We got checked in and I had to go get my idea and my registration.

"Preston Howard."

I walked into the room and sat down in front of the camera. I took my baseball cap and huffed. "Come on sweetie smile it's move in day."

"Ma'am please take this picture so I can go on about my day." I said.

The girl look my picture and I went on with my day. I met back up with my family and we began setting up my dorm. Honestly I didn't even feel like I was there. My mind kept wondering off elsewhere. While I was putting the books I bought from home on my bookshelf a picture of Normani and I slipped out.

I picked up the picture and I could feel tears forming in my eyes. I quickly shoved the picture back in the book and pulled myself together. Once my side of the room was done I plopped on my bed and listened to music. My mom pulled up a chair beside me and rubbed my bed.

"It's gon be alright baby." Mom said.

I nodded my head and closed my eyes, eventually I just cried my eyes out for a minute. "I know it hurts no but one day it'll all make since to you."

"But I love her, mama." I said.

"I know you do. But if y'all are meant to be, you guys will find your way back to each other. Use this time to grow and mature so when you guys get back together you'll be better for each other." Mom explained.

I looked at my mom and started crying all over again. She sat beside me on the bed and gave me a hug.

"Mr. Howard you are a godsend thank you for helping me and my son with his things."

A short, extremely young looking black woman came into my dorm behind my father. "Aww what's the matter handsome? You not ready to leave the nest?"

"Broken heart." Mom said.

"Aww it's gonna be fine. Once you start experiencing college life that girl will be the farthest thing from your mind."

"I highly doubt that.." I said.

My mom held out her hand, "I'm Martha Howard. You've already met my husband. This is my son Preston and his sister Lena is around here somewhere."

"Nice to meet you all. I'm Tanya, my son is around here somewhere."

A few moments later a tall, slim, chocolate brother walked into the dorm. "This is my baby Timothy."

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