Chapter Nine.

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Normani's POV


"Normani, we're gonna be gone for the weekend. Now we know you're a responsible young lady but here are the rules." Mom said.

"No parties, no drugs, no alcohol, if you go out let us know, no partying, don't invite them wild ass cheerleading friends of yours over, and most of all no Preston."

I rolled my eyes and laid back down on the couch. They're leaving me alone for the weekend and expect me to not have my boyfriend over, okay. I let my parents have their moment while I actively ignored them. If only they knew what their precious baby girl had planned while they're gone.

I'm gonna lose my virginity.

"Are you guys done? I think I can handle being on my own." I said.

"Alright. We'll call you when we get there."  Mom said.

"Yes ma'am."

Grandma grabbed her cane and started heading towards the door. I got up and helped her down the stairs. "I left you something in your dresser." She whispered.

"Like what?" I asked.

"Birth control."

"Grandma." I whispered.

"I was born at night not last night. That'll be our little secret." Grandma said.

"Yes ma'am." I helped my grandma in the truck and stood on the stairs. I waved my parents off then walked back into the house.

I went upstairs and took a nice long shower, made sure everything right. Then came the fun part deciding what to do with my hair. Having natural hair is a blessing and a curse. Once I detangled and moisturized it I used my diffuser to give my curls a little extra dazzle dazzle. "Now what to wear."

I didn't want to be overly dressed but I didn't want to seem desperate either. I put on my school tank with the shorts to match. Everything was perfect all I need was my boyfriend. Instead of sending him a text I called him.

"Hello beautiful."

"Hey boo. Are you busy?" I asked.

"I just got done working out, I was about to hop in the shower." Preston said.

"We'll after you take your shower you should come by my house." I said.

"I'll be there." Preston said.

"I'll leave the door unlocked for you."

I quickly got up and unlocked my the front door. I quickly bolted back up to my room. My grandma said she left a surprise for me in my dresser and she was correct. A box of magnums. I opened the box and closed my drawer back. Now it was time for music, I created a playlist specifically for this moment.

"Babygirl I'm here!"

"I'm in my room!"

I grabbed the latest issue of Seventeen Magazine off my nightstand and pretended to be reading it. "You and your Seventeen Magazine." Preston said as he sat on the bed.

"Leave me alone."

"I'm just teasing, babe." Preston kicked off his slides and got comfortable beside me on the bed. He was wearing typical thot boy attire. Grey sweats and a crisp white tee.

"So you just in here chilling and listening to music?" Preston asked.

"Yeah, I got lonely so that's why I called you." I said.

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