Chapter Twenty.

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Victoria's POV

Hey Tori, it's me.  Can you come by so we can talk, please?

"I think you should at least go see what the man has to say." Noelle said.

I rolled my eyes and folded my arms. "After our last encounter I really don't want to see his ass. Noelle he showed no remorse telling me that our marriage was over."

"Okay now you flip the script and let his ass have." Noelle said.

"I don't want to see him." I said.

"Victoria, this man sat right in your face and told you he loved you but in reality he was still in love with his ex. You said it yourself you saw him change after he saw her again. This woman has even told you to your damn face that she was still in love with him." Noelle said.

"I feel like a fool, Noelle." I said.

"I know you do. But he's made his choice. Close this chapter in your life and worry about the life that's growing inside of you." Noelle said.

I sighed and brushed my curls to the side. "I will, thanks for the talk." I said.

"Anytime and you know if you need anything give me a call." Noelle said.

"I appreciate it." I said.

I grabbed my purse and left Noelle's house. Even though I didn't want to look at his face I needed to get some things off my chest. As I was driving through the city I began thinking about what I was gonna say to Preston when I got to him. I walked into our apartment and called out for him. "I'm in the office."


I strutted into his office and sat across from at the desk. "You wanted to talk, talk."

"Where are you staying?" Preston asked.

"Don't worry about that." I said.

"Yeah I am gonna worry because you're carrying my child." Preston said.

"I'm staying at a hotel until I find a place of my own." I said.

Preston took off his glasses and set them down on the desk. "Stay here, I'll leave."

"I'd rather not." I said.

"Why?" He asked.

"Look did you call me here to talk about my living situation, if so I'm leaving." I said.

Preston got up and sat beside me, I folded my arms and leaned to the side.

"I'm really, really sorry for how our last conversation went down. I made it seem like you didn't matter but you did. You were up with me all the nights when I was studying the bar, you had a lot of solo dinner dates because I was working late, you've really played a part in me becoming the man that I am Tori. I'm sorry didn't treat the way you deserved to be treated. And I know you can't see it at the moment but I still have love for you." Preston said.

These pregnancy hormones can go far away because I'm supposed to be angry yet I'm on the verge of tears. I had to pull myself together and remember why I came here. "Do you feel better now?" I asked.

"Yeah.." Preston said.

"Preston......fuck you and your apology. I really been trying to keep my cool with you bite my tongue so I wouldn't say some disrespectful shit to you. After that shit you pulled I should've killed your stupid ass."

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