Chapter Twenty-One.

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Normani's POV

"Alright Normani I'm calling it a night, you need anything?" Dinah asked.

"Other than a foot massage, I'm good." I said.

"Get your man to do that for you." Dinah said.

I blushed at the thought of Preston giving me a foot massage. The way my feet are feeling at this present time I might have to call him up. I leaned back in my chair and stretched. "What you get to into tonight?" I asked.

"A box of pizza and a bottle of wine. Zay is on assignment tonight." Dinah said.

"That sounds very good. I'll probably do the same." I said.

"How are things with you and Preston?" Dinah asked.

"They're going, we're just taking things slow." I said.

"You must've really whipped it on him to make him leave his wife." Dinah said.

I shrugged and put on my trench coat. After I gathered the rest of my things Dinah and I walked to our cars together. Once I got in the car I turned on my crunk playlist and began my drive home. Being in professional mode all day gets annoying but I have Lil Jon and the Eastside boys to help me unwind. My drive home wasn't complete without stopping by the store and getting a bottle of wine.

I grabbed my things out of my car and took the elevator to my floor. As I was walking down the hall I could smell Italian food being cooked. When I walked into my apartment and Preston was standing at the stove doing the shmoney dance to Love On Top, the Homecoming version. I quietly took off my heels and left them by the door. My day was stressful but walking into my apartment and seeing this put the biggest smile on my face. I don't know what made it funnier the way he was dancing or the fact he had on my pink apron.

Preston spun around and it looked like he had seen a ghost when he saw me standing there. He smoothly took off the apron and turned down the music. "I promise you it's not what it looks like." He said.

"Is that right?" I asked.

"I was just, you know..."

"Putting your love on top." I said.

I grinned and put his hands up, "You got me, I hope you don't mind me being here like this."

"I gave you the key for a reason." I said.

"You said you had a trying day at work so I decided to come by and make you dinner. I bought you some groceries too." Preston said.

He deserves head everyday of the week and twice on Sundays.

"You are too kind." I said.

Preston walked over to me and kissed me on the lips. "So what's for dinner?" I asked.

"Some raviolis, the good one, no Chef Boyardee over here. And " Preston explained.

"Anything I can do to help?" I asked.

"Sit down and relax." Preston said.

Fair enough, I sat down at my little table and watched Preston move around the kitchen. He fixed both of our plates then sat across from me. "A woman could get used to this." I said.

"And I could get used to doing it." Preston said.

I didn't waste anytime digging into my food. I know how to cook, do I do it as often as I should? No. Depending on the night it's usually a pizza or takeout. But having a home cooked meal prepared by someone you care about is special.

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