Chapter Twenty-Seven.

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Preston's POV

As stressful as my job is I miss it. Due to my current legal situation I've been placed on administrative leave. I'm still getting paid but my boss feels it's the best decision until this whole thing passes over. The first couple of days was fine but then the boredom started to set in. But that didn't last long.

So far today was been productive I went home and did the yard work for my father. His chemo is working and he's making great progress but his energy fluctuates. Some moments he's great then other moments he's tired. But he is fighting this thing the best he can and I can't argue with that. He's doing everything he can to make sure he sticks around for a very long time.

When I'm not helping my family out I'm with Victoria. Since we know the gender of the baby we've been prepping for our baby girl's arrival. Shockingly we've been very cordial with each other throughout this process. After the divorce we did have some moments where things got ugly but now we're able to talk and not argue.

As for me and Normani things are a bit rocky. She's been feeling a way since I've been spending time with Victoria. But she really can't because she knew what the deal was when we got together. Yes, Victoria and I are divorced but we have a child together so I still have to have a relationship with each other. When the baby comes I'm gonna have to spend more time with Victoria. How's she gonna feel then?

I was put the last shingles on the roof when I heard my name being called from down below.  I slid to the end of the roof and looked over. "Yes mama?"

"Come on in and get cleaned up. The food is almost done and your sister is on the way." Mama said.

"Which sister?"

"Lena, she said she got somebody she want us to meet."  Mama said.

I grabbed my tool belt and climbed down the ladder. Mama dusted off my shoulders and strokes my cheek. "You alright mama?" I asked.

"I'm fine baby."

"Mama, you don't have to lie to me." I said.

"Preston I'm...tired. I love your father more than anything in this world. It's hard seeing him like this. But I'm holding onto my faith on this one."

I nodded, "Since I got a lot of free time on my hands, I can take him to his doctor's appointments and whatnot so you can get a break."

"You don't have to do that Pres." Mama said.

"He's my daddy, I got him. And if you ever need a little escape you know where my place is." I said.

"You're such a good man." Mama said.

"I was raised my good parents." I said.

We went into the house and I went upstairs to get cleaned up. I went back into the den and sat on the couch. My dad was heavily tuned into his Law & Order SVU reruns. "You ever encounter stuff like this son?" He asked.

"Yes sir. You'll surprised at how messed up people really are. But Zay has the worst part of it. He's the one getting called to the crime scenes and whatnot." I explained.

"That's a shame." Dad said.

"How are you feeling now?" I asked.

"I took a little nap while you were outside. But I feel much better now." Dad said.

I patted his shoulder, "I'm proud of you dad."

My mom came into the living room and sat next to my dad.  He wrapped his arm around her and gave her a kiss on the forehead. They looked so cute together. But I could see the worry in my mom's face. She's been with my dad since they were teenagers. I know she's scared of what this cancer could do to him.

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