Chapter Twenty-Five.

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‼️Quick PSA‼️

Before y'all even start reading this chapter I just wanna thank y'all for supporting this story. This story is #6 in stories tagged Normani!!

You guys are amazing and I love you all so much! 😘😘

summer before sophomore year of college
Normani's POV

"Normani wake up its time for church!"

I was in a deep sleep but it sounded like my mom said something about going to church. The sleep I was getting was too good to mess up and I did not feel like dealing with church folks this morning. I threw the comforter over my head and continued to sleep. "Wake up Normani!"

I still ignored my mom.

I thought I was scot-free until she came into my room and yanked the covers off of me. "Mama please let me sleep in."

"No ma'am, get up and get your behind ready for church." Mom said.

My mom walked out and began rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. I left my MacBook on the bed and I could hear a soft chuckle coming from the other side of the screen. "Looks like you gotta get ready for church, shawty."

"I really don't wanna go." I said.

"I know you don't. Go ahead and hear the good word."

"I'd rather stay home and talk to you though."

"I don't hear any water running in there!" My mom yelled.

I groaned, "Let me go before I have to hurt this woman."

"Aight shawty."

I closed my MacBook and got out of bed, I did my whole morning routine before stepping in my closet to find something to wear. Since the weather was starting to heat up I wasn't tryna wear pants. I really wasn't feeling a skirt and top so I went with a cute church appropriate sundress. I was feeling cute so I took a picture and posted it to my Instagram.

My lil friend left a 😍 underneath my picture.

I grabbed my purse and headed downstairs to the kitchen. Of course I overslept and missed breakfast so a granola bar was my breakfast. While I was sitting at the counter my grandma came in sat beside me.

"What's his name?" She asked.

"Who, grandma?" I asked.

"The boy you was giggling with on the phone last night."

Of course I can't lie to my grandma.

"His name is Tevin."

"Mmhm...keep talking."

"He'll be a junior at Morehouse in the fall. Business major. He was born and raised in Atlanta. That's about it." I said.

"Lemme see what he looks like." Grandma said.

I took out my phone and my grandma put in her glasses. She took the phone and looked at his picture. "He looks like a knock off Preston."

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