Chapter Twenty-Four.

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Normani's POV

"Preston why do you like laying on top of me so much?" I asked.

Preston looked up at me and smiled, "I like the way you hold me. I feel safe when I'm in your arms."

"You're too sweet." I said.

I appreciate staying home so much more now. Don't get me wrong we have our dates where we go out and do stuff. But we it's just us, cuddled up at the house, it's different vibe. This morning Preston and I made breakfast together and now we're binge watching Disney movies.

"I'd wife Princess Tiana." Preston said.

"Excuse me." I said getting slightly offended.

"She's intelligent, ambitious, hardworking, she can get busy in the kitchen, and she's beautiful." Preston explained.


"But most of all she reminds of you." Preston said.

Preston looked up at me with the dumbest grin on his face. I tried to be mad at him but I couldn't. I sat up and began kissing me all over my face and neck. My phone started ringing and I managed to grabbed it off the coffee table. "Hold on babe it's my grandma."

I pulled myself together and answered the phone. "Hi grandma."

"Well it's nice to hear your voice. I was starting to think you favorite about an old lady."

"I haven't forgotten about you grandma I've just been really busy with work lately." I said.

"Mmhm working your new boyfriend." Grandma said.


"So y'all are really together now?" Grandma asked.

I looked up and Preston and smiled, "Yeah we really together now."

"Hey grandma." Preston said.

"Hey baby!"

I smiled, "What's been going on?"

"Nothing much. I just called to see if you wanted to come to dinner to night." Grandma said.

"I don't think so grandma. The last time I had dinner with you guys my mother came at my neck and I don't feel like doing that today." I said.

My grandma did this dramatic sigh and I already knew what was coming next.

"I know the last family dinner we had was a mess but I miss you. And it would make me so happy if my favorite and only grandchild came by and had dinner with an old lady." Grandma said.

"What time should I be there?" I asked.

"6 and bring your boyfriend." Grandma said.

"That okay with you babe?" I asked.

"Grandma can you bake me a cake please?" Preston asked.

"I got you baby." Grandma said.

"We'll see you later grandma." I said.


Lord, please control my tongue and order my steps as I go into this dinner. I just want a peaceful dinner with my family and I don't wanna go off on my mother. Help me, amen.

Preston and I arrived at my parents house 6:35 which means we were actually on time. "Look at all that ass in them jeans." Preston said.

"Boy stop." I teased.

"I will bite your ass right now don't play with me." Preston said.

"Don't you dare." I said.

Next thing you know I felt a slight pinch on my left cheek. Preston stood up and smacked me on the ass. "Ugh you so nasty." I said.

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