Chapter Seventeen.

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Preston's POV

"Baby I'm letting you know now that me and the fellas are probably go out after the ceremony. So don't wait up for me." I said.

"Mmhm, make sure you guys are safe." Victoria said.

I stuck my head out of my closet and Victoria was sitting against the headboard rubbing her belly. Our little one decided to make her sick so I have to go to the ceremony by myself. Some days Victoria feels fine other days she feels like shit. But this is all part of the process. I'm just ready to find out what we're having to I can start buying things and getting the nursery together.

While I was putting on my dress shirt I could her Victoria running into the bathroom. I followed behind her so I could hold her hair back. "That's it I'm staying home." I said.

"No." Victoria cleaned herself up and leaned against the wall. "You've worked hard for this moment, I don't want you to miss it."

"Baby you're puking your guts out. I can get Timmy to accept the award on my behalf." I said.

"Preston I'm fine." Victoria said.

"No, I'm staying. I don't want anything to happen to you while I'm gone." I said.

Victoria stroked my cheek and walked out the bathroom. Since I found out about the miscarriage there's a part of me that's scared of leaving Victoria on her own.

I went back into my closet and began tying my bow tie. "Babe I'd much rather stay at home and rub your belly than eat bland chicken and drink champagne with a bunch of people I don't like." I said.

"I know honey. But in the bright side you'll have Timmy the colleagues you do like there."

"Yeah that's true." I said.

I slipped into my loafers and began checking myself out in the mirror. I had a fresh haircut, a clean tux, and I wasn't stressed out for once. Needless to stay a brother was feeling himself. I put on my blazer and stepped out of the closet. "How do I look mama?" I asked.

"Too good for words." Victoria said.

I grinned and dusted off my shoulders. Victoria stood behind me and hugged my waist while I looked at myself in the mirror. "You okay?" I asked.


I turned around and placed my hands on Victoria's hips. "Why do I feel like there's more than what you're telling me?"

"It's nothing Preston." Victoria said.

"I thought we promised to talk things out from now own." I said.

Victoria sighed, "I feel like you regret marrying me sometimes. Every time you have an interaction with Normani you act different and part of me believes that you still love her."

"Where the hell is this coming from?" I asked.

"Observation, Preston. And I don't know the fact that this woman looked me in my eyes and told me she still loved you. The question is do you still feel the same way about her?" Victoria asked.

"If I was still in love with her do you think I would've married you?" I asked.

I grabbed my keys and my phone then walked outside. That whole exchange with my wife had me heated. I didn't feel like driving so I look a Lyft to the hotel where the ceremony was being held. When I walked into the ballroom one of the servers offered me a glass of champagne. I quickly downed it then went looking for my seat.

Once I was settled in my seat I had another glass of champagne. I was supposed to be happy but what my wife said rubbed me the wrong way just a little bit. But the truth does hurt. Normani changes my energy whenever she comes around. She's always had that affect on me. Yes I still love her but I love my wife too.

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