Chapter Four.

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A rainy day in New York is a perfect opportunity to spend time with your significant other. But when you're an adult with responsibilities moments like that are a dream. Normani is preparing for a day in court and Preston is preparing for a bond hearing. If everything goes as planned this perp will stay behind bars until it's time to go to trial. If not, Preston's gonna have to go back to the drawing board and rebuild his case.

Preston sat in the lobby of the courthouse going over his case when Timmy came bopping down the hallway. "Timmy Turner strikes again."

"You won?" Preston asked.

"Did I win? Of course I won and this bastard isn't eligible for parole until he's 70." Timmy explained.

"Well done, counselor." Preston said.

"What you here for?" Timmy asked.

"Bond hearing for our favorite criminal, Mr. Ray." Preston said.

"What's that knucklehead do this time?" I asked.

"Roughed up his baby mama because she wouldn't let him see his kid." Preston explained.

Timmy scoffed, "Nail his ass to the cross."

"I wouldn't have it any other way, T." Preston said.

"Well good luck to ya, I'm calling it a day." Timmy said.

Preston shook Timmy's hand and replied, "I'll catch up with you later."

Preston went into the courtroom where the other hearings were taking place. He adjusted his necktie and began fidgeting with his cuff links. Preston usually get nervous right before he stands in front of the judge. But once he starts talking his nerves disappear. He sat in the back and watched as the other attorney went through their processes. Some were victorious others were disappointed.

"Next on the docket!"

"The city of Manhattan versus Arin Ray."

Preston got up and made his way to podium. Two NYPD officers escorted Arin into the courtroom, at some point they should just let him take his jumpsuit home because he stays in trouble that much. A spoiled rich kid whose father bails him out every time.  Arin looked at Preston with a smug look on his face and chuckled.

"Good day Mr. Howard."

"Good afternoon, Judge Mendes." Preston said.

"Mr. Ray do you have legal counsel representing you today?"

"I do, Your Honor, I don't know where she is."

"Right here, Your Honor."

A slow, rhythmic clicking of heels came from the back of the courtroom. Preston took his handkerchief out of his pocket and cleaned his glasses off before putting them back on his face. Normani was feeling herself today. She had a great breakfast, her curls were popping, and she listened to Young, Gifted, & Black on the way to court. There was nothing she couldn't accomplish today.

As she made her way up the aisle she noticed a tall, nicely built man standing on the opposing side. And judging from his line-up he's recently gotten a fresh haircut.

The clicking of heels grew closer and Preston couldn't ignore them anymore. He turned his head and who he saw coming towards him made his heart skip a beat.



The last time they saw each other was at Preston's front door and Normani was breaking his heart. Eight years later they're reunited under some interesting circumstances.

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