Chapter 1:

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Alexa's POV:

September 1st, Liam and I sat with my head in his shoulder and a blanket wrapped around the both of us. The air of course, had to cut off leaving us shivering to stay warm under a huge bed cover with sweatpants, fuzzy socks, and sweatshirts . He held the remote out, lazily flipping through channels as I dug my hand in the bowl of popcorn. This is how most Sunday's dragged by. Sitting on our Craigslist couch, in a small one story house, watching tv.

"Let's have a baby," Liam suggested for the millionth time. Liam wanted kids, three to be exact. We'd constantly argue back and forth about kids that I didn't even want to have. Kids were such a hassle, looking at them. The cost of them, taking care of them, besides I'm 24 years old, I don't need to be fat for 9 months.

"Let's chop your dick off," I responded boredly and Liam chuckled.

"There is absolutely nothing to watch," Liam groaned with a sigh tossing the remote to the side. I cuddled closer to him and pushed my nose to the bottom part of his stubbly chin. He smirked, aroused down at me and began to move in closer just before the doorbell rang. He grumbled playfully, and angrily stomped his feet to the door. I peeked over the couch trying to see who was at our doorstep, but Liam's large figure blocked the doorway.

" Who are you?" I heard him demand and the voice answering was almost inaudible. I pushed my self up of the couch walking towards Liam and the door, curiously.

"I'm sorry I must have the wrong house-Alexa?" They asked and I peeked over Liam's shoulder.

"Calum!" I shouted nudging past Liam. Calum, my best friend since college, stood there smiling. Same ripped up jeans and over sized sweatshirt he'd wear all the time back in the day. He held two duffle bags in both his hand and a backpack slung over his shoulder. I wrapped my arms around his neck tugging him in for a hug and he immediately dropped his bags.

"How are you, bird?" He laughed and I pulled off him holding both his hands in mine. Liam glanced down glaring at the contact between us.

"You need to come in, it's freezing out there," I gestured him inside and I asked Liam to grab his bags, casually. Liam complied quietly and shut the door with his foot behind him. He dropped them by the door and leaned against the wall at the end of the hallway with his arms folded across his chest.

"What are you doing here?" I asked gesturing Calum to a recliner near the TV.

"Emily dumped me, " He rolled his eyes. "Accused me of cheating."

"Of course she did! She is dramatic, never liked her," I sympathized. Emily was quite the bitch. Calum had been dating her for a few months and their relationship sucked. Like bad. They were
constantly at each other's throats like cats and dogs.

"I should have listened to you, she kicked me out." Liam cleared his throat loudly.

"Do you need someplace to live or something ?" I asked and Liam crept from his wall, plopped down on the couch, and wrapped his arm around my torso.

"Woah, you got a boyfriend? I thought he was your butler or something," Calum chuckled pointing to Liam's cheesy bow tie sweatshirt, he bought at the mall. I laughed at him nudging Liam to laugh along, but he stood there blankly. I leaned on his shoulder and I could feel his shoulders relax, slightly.

I loved when he was jealous like this. He was so attentive and protective towards me. It's adorable. The thought of me leaving him for another guy or even being threatened by another guy is hilarious, even.

"Whatever at least, I didn't cheat," I teased and Calum rolled his eyes, snickering.

"Well yeah, I need a place to stay and I was wondering I could crash here for a while,"

"Absolutely not," Liam interrupted and I jabbed him with my elbow. His eyebrows furrowed into a small frown, and he narrowed his eyes down at Calum. We both had a brief gaze in between each other, which mostly consisted of me glaring at him and him raising his eyebrows, defending himself.

"Yeah sure man, I'll show you the guest room," I smiled helping him with his bags and Liam trailed behind us. I could feel his envy radiating off him as he followed and I glanced back at him, scowling. I lead him into our small extra room with a queen sized bed in the middle of the room.

"Thanks Alexa," Calum said hugging me again and Liam stomped around back to the living room, dramatically. Calum raised an eyebrow, pointing to the doorway and shook my head.

"Ignore him, It's no problem, really, bathroom's down the hall." He nodded his head and I left the room closing the door behind me.

"Now where were we?" I asked turning to Liam as I entered the room. He had the same blank face from the living room and I waved my hand in his face.

"Liam," I whined and I grabbed on his arm tugging him gently and he ripped his arm away. He stomped over to the couch and plopped on it. He crossed his arms across his chest, with his bottom lip stuck out.

"Liam, stop it!"

"He's not staying here, Alexa,"

"Liam, he's my friend! You're being a damn baby, he hasn't been here for 30 seconds,"

"Yeah and he was all over you in the thirty seconds of being here. He sees me fucking standing here."

"Liam," I glared, pouting over to him and stood in front of his view of the television. He looked up at me a fluttered his hand to move me out of the way and I raised my eyebrows. He uncrossed his arms and I straddled him in his lap.

"It's only until he can get back on his feet."

He rolled his eyes and I began to peck his face with kisses, avoiding his lips on purpose. He eventually got annoyed and grabbed me by the chin connecting the fire between us. He gripped my thighs carrying me off into our room and dropping me on the bed. I giggled continuing to kiss him and running my hands down his back.

Finally, a small smirk played on lips.

This was basically all our fights resulted in. An efficient system if I do say so myself. It was like nothing could stay wrong inbetween us.

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