Chapter 12: Escape

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Lizzie's POV:

I wake up in an unfamiliar place. The last thing I remember is being pushed against the wall by... THE JERK! Where am I? I feel vibrations below me, and I hear some.. tire noise?!?! Am I in a van? I look around, and I see a window. I peek out of it, and it leads to the driver's seat, I see the jerk, driving this Toyota van. 

But something catches my eye.. It's my phone!! It's on the passenger seat! I need to grab it, quick! It's the only way for me to escape.

I wait patiently and silently, until the jerk looks away from the passenger seat. I quickly lean into the passenger seat, and grab my phone. Then I duck behind the piece of metal separating me from the jerk.. 

I turn on my phone, it makes a loud 'pop' noise. Oh no, it's not muted!! Instantly, the van stops.

I scroll though my phone, and find Joel. I type as fast as I can.

Lizzie: Joel

Lizzie: Help im kidnapped

Lizzie: Plz report joel

Lizzie: Thx...

Soon, I hear sounds coming from the back door, and it opens wide. Oh, seems like an opportunity for me to escape! It's like a 100 meter race, I get into the 'on your marks, get set' position, and launch myself towards the back door. 

I smack the jerk as I run out of the van. I realize I'm in another alley, similar to the one I got knocked down in.. I run as fast as my legs can take me and don't look back. I eventually reach a junction and turn right without stopping, hoping it leads to anyone who can help me right now...

After about 400 meters of continuous running, I realize I picked the wrong side.. I REACHED A DEAD END!! I try to climb up the buildings, but I'm not a stunt parkour person, and I can't do it. 

I panic, I try to run back, but the jerk is blocking my way, and he knocks me down again straight away..

Joel's POV:

I am chatting with Oli when my phone suddenly beeps. It's Lizzie! I click in and I see these messages..

Lizzie: Joel

Lizzie: Help im kidnapped

Lizzie: Plz report joel

Lizzie: Thx...

I quickly reply..

Joel: Ok Lizzie, I'm reporting straight away.

I realize she isn't online, yep something's definitely wrong.

I quickly dial 999, and the officer picks up.

Officer: Hello, how may I help you?

Joel: Hi, uh my friend texted me that she got kidnapped.

Officer: Okay, what is her name?

Joel: Elizabeth Dwyer, sir.

Officer: Okay, did she tell you where she was going before she got kidnapped?

Joel: She was shopping at the mall.

Officer: Thanks for the information, young man. We'll investigate on that soon. Don't worry.

Joel: Thanks so much officer.

Officer: You're welcome.

Man, I hope Lizzie's okay... I don't want anything bad to happen to her...

Lizzie's POV:

I wake up, not in the van now, but in a dark room. I remember what happened in the alley... GOD DAMMIT!! I SHOULD HAVE GONE THE OTHER WAY!!

Anyways, I'm stuck in this room with a window, a bed, a toilet and nothing else.. How am I supposed to escape? I just hope Joel managed to report that jerk for me.

I sit on the bed and think of the possible ways for me to escape...

I can't open the door, it's locked from the outside.

I can't just jump outta the window, this room's on the second floor.

I can't just hide from the jerk, he would eventually find me.

Wait... There's a mattress here!! It can cushion me if I jump down!

I wrap the mattress around me, it's not too big and heavy, so it's relatively easy to do so. I stand on the window sills, and jump, hoping nothing happens. Indeed, I fall on the ground, and roll for awhile, but I'm totally fine, it doesn't hurt at all!

I free myself from the mattress, and run towards civilization, as fast as my legs can carry me.

As I reach the nearest road, I see policemen trying to find me. Oh thanks Joel for reporting!! I reach out to a policeman.

Policeman: Hi young lady, do you know Elizabeth Dwyer?

Lizzie: Uh I am Elizabeth Dwyer.. I escaped the room that I got kidnapped in.

Policeman: Oh nice, I'm glad that you're safe, Miss Dwyer. C'mon Let's take you to the office so I can ask you some questions.

I follow him to his car, and into his office. It's a pretty nice office actually, really fancy..

Policeman: So you got kidnapped?

Lizzie: Yes.

Policeman: How?

Lizzie: I was shopping, and when I was on my way to the bus stop, I was knocked unconscious by this man. I woke up on a van, and texted my friend, telling him to report this, but the man found out. He stopped the van and opened the back door. I tried to run away but reached a dead end and was knocked down again. He brought me to a room, on the second floor of a building. I jumped out of the window, cushioning myself with a mattress that he provided.

Policeman: Wow quite impressive actually. Now, can you describe the kidnapper?

Lizzie: Well he is probably 40 or 50, and he is almost bald. I just remember he has a big scar across his right hand.

Policeman: Okay, that's enough information already. Thanks Elizabeth.

Lizzie: No problem sir!

An officer kindly send me back to the Boarding School, where Joel is waiting for me at the entrance.

Joel: Lizzie I'm so glad to see you!!

Lizzie: I'm so glad to see you too!

Joel: I was so worried about you!

Lizzie: Don't worry I'm safe now, I escaped.

We hug each other, for a few minutes, and return to our rooms.

A few days later, I receive the news that the kidnapper has been captured. I am so happy, I am never going to see that jerk ever again!! Yayyy!!

Also, an officer returns me the things that I bought in the mall that day. I'm glad to have my stuff back..

Hi readers, to me, this chapter is one of the best ones XDDD anyways I hope you enjoyed reading, and I will see you in the next chapter.. 

byebyee <3

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