Chapter 32: Drift

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Lizzie's POV:


The way he says it motivates me. I wanna have fun, unleash all the horses in this thing!

I slam on the accelerator, and the car jolts forward before taking off along with other cars on the road. It's not particularly fast, it's only going around 30mph or so, but it feels like I'm going at least 60mph. This thing is a beast!

We've reached the end of the main road now, and we gotta make a turn, or we'll drive straight into a bush, and we don't want that. As we turn left into the exit from the main road, we enter some mountain road. It's twisty and it looks exciting.

Joel: So Lizzie you wanna test this car's handling?

Lizzie: Heck yeah let's goooo!!!

I don't know why I'm so excited but I just am, this thing  is so fun to drive. It could replace BMW as the Ultimate Driving Machine to be honest..

Just kidding BMW is still BMW for a reason.

Anyways, the view of the mountains are amazing! Greenery everywhere, and the sun is positioned perfectly that it shines on one side of a mountain, making it look golden. Also, the distant roads along the mountains look tiny from here, and I can't wait to speed through all of these.

As I approach the first corner, I press the brake slightly, and turn my steering wheel. The car does exactly what I want it to do, it's so responsive! As soon as the corner's over, I slam on the accelerator again, and the car just goes, I love it!!!

Joel's POV:

Wow! Lizzie's good at this. The way she drives is very nerve wracking indeed, but I know her skills are good enough for is to stay safe. She's a quick learner, she just started learning like one hour ago and she's already a professional at this. I could race her right now if I have a second go kart with me.

It's relatively quiet in the kart right now, I figure I might as well play some music to enliven ourselves a little. I scroll through some songs I have on my phone. And one of them catches my eye.. It's the perfect song for a situation like this.. I click play and a familiar tune bounces around in the car. I know Lizzie recognizes it because of the way she stares at me.

Lizzie: Tokyo Drift? Are you serious right now?

Joel: What? You don't need to drift. I played this for fun.

Lizzie: Can this drift?

Joel: Certainly, I tried before.

Lizzie: Teach me please!

I nod.

Looks like Lizzie wants me to teach her how to drift. I know she can do it, so I'm fairly confident we'll be safe drifting around in the mountains.

We find a safe spot at the bottom, to prevent falling to our death if anything does happen.. well I hope nothing bad happens.

Lizzie's POV:

Joel demonstrates drifting in this thing. It looks easy enough, also Joel claims it's not very hard, so I'm fairly confident that I can learn this fast, since I see myself as a fast learner. Haha casual flex there please don't judge me.

Joel's done drifting, and he parks the go kart at the side of the road for me to drift myself. 

I sink into the driver's seat, and start the car. As the engine purrs to life I hit the accelerator hard, making the read wheels spin like crazy, creating smoke. I may have burned the tyres cause I smell some burnt rubber in the cabin. I don't mind tho, and I think Joel doesn't mind too. 

I approach the corner, and I try to imitate what Joel did when he was teaching me just now. Not too much speed when approaching the right bend, casually turn the steering wheel to the right... then flooring it, making the tyres spin again, and quickly turn the steering wheel the other way. I feel the back of the go kart losing traction, but at the same time, I still am controlling the car, it's doing whatever I want it to do. It's an amazing feeling!

For the first few tries, I do fail, oversteering the car, and it just stops; or it regains traction and I end up going the other way. Thankfully I hit the brakes soon enough, or I would have fallen of the mountains, possible leading to death. After some time practising, I have improved alot though. Almost everytime I get a perfect drift. 

But this car is still a go kart, so I still doubt if it is the same to drift a real car.

Joel's POV:

Lizzie sure is learning fast, she can drift as well as me now! I'm proud of her!

I look at my watch, and OMG it's quite late already! We better get going!

Joel: Uh Lizzie it's kinda late already. I think we should head home.

Lizzie: Yeah you're right I'm also a little tired right now.

Lizzie makes a u turn and drives is home. Everything's nice and peaceful, until we stop at a traffic light ..

A go kart of similar size and shape of ours pulls up beside us. There's a teenager inside, probably like 15 or so years old.

Teen: Hey bro! Nice Miata you got there haha!

Joel: Its not a Miata!

Teen: Ohh since you insist, why not have a race?

Great! I've been challenged to a race. I can't say no cuz that guy looks like he's gonna kill me if I say no, but I don't want to say yes..

Lizzie: BRING IT ON!!

I look at her, utterly shocked and speechless.

Hi everyone

I wanna apologize for not updating for awhile now, it's because school is busy and I got a lotta tests coming up and I gotta prepare. I'm currently working this chapter during my breaks from studying.. thx for understanding tho :) 

anyways I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter, next chapter's probably going to be about the race so stay tuned 

byebyee <3

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