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Hi readers, this story currently has 345 reads and 31 votes. 

And I can't thank you guys enough. Thanks everyone for supporting me through this writing journey. :D

Thanks @ShadowCadet777 for helping me when I first started writing this story. If not for you, this story might take a lot longer to reach where it is now, or maybe no one would know this story exists at all..

Thanks Shadow, @SunnyAngel777 and @darknessandcandy and for inspiring me to continue writing this story. I know you three are friends and watching your stories slowly grow inspires me to work harder and achieve those heights too. Btw congrats :D

Thanks @Ciara9429 for constantly voting the chapters. It motivates me to keep writing, because I know you'll be there to support me :)

Anyways, I think I'll be writing tomorrow morning, tho idk if I'll be able to release a chapter tmr. I'll try my best tho :)


byebyee <3

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