Chapter 17: Crash

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Joel's POV

The other members and I have been working on this go kart for the past term already. The whole thing is coming together really nicely. But we never tested it before...

One afternoon, I am told to gather at the track (running track not racing track cuz in school) instead of the workshop like normal.

When I arrive I see Joseph has already moved the go kart all the way from the workshop.

Joseph: Ahh you're here, great! Today we'll be testing out how this thing drives. We just need to drive it around this track, and let's see what kind of lap times we can get. 

Joel: Yaaasss!!

Jospeh: Let's get some people to drive shall we? Just so you know, I pushed the go kart from the workshop, I so I haven't drove it yet, haha...

Joseph let me drive the go kart first. He tells me to drive as fast as possible, but remember to stay safe. I nod in agreement and enter the go kart.

When I enter, I am amazed by the interior design. Joseph must have told someone else to design the interior, and to be honest, he did a great job at designing it. Well done!! Everything is simple, the buttons are labelled in a way that's easy to use, and overall the design is minimalist, which I quite like.

I see the "ENGINE START STOP" button, and I press it. The engine roars to life behind me. I put my foot on the accelerator and push it a few times. It sounds amazing!! Well, it sounds like a V10...

Joel: Is it a V10 back there?

Joseph: Yes, how you know?

Joel: Sounds.

Joseph giggles, and tell me to continue. 

I put the go kart in first gear, and slowly move the car to the starting line. I put my left foot on the brake, and right foot on the accelerator. Soon, I let go of the brakes and the go kart goes flying.

It's so fast!! The engine revs so high, and I have to shift gear every second. It is a wonderful experience though, being the first person to drive this amazing machine. 

Then I approach the first corner. I hit the brakes slightly, and start to turn the steering wheel. The car immediately turns to the direction I want it too. The steering input is so responsive!!

After awhile, I manage to finish my first lap. I tell the other members all the things I notice about this go kart. They take down what I say on a piece of paper, and then they tell me to go again, try to set a new lap record. And I go again.

My second lap is going well, until I reach the last corner.. As I turn, instead of hitting the brakes, I hit the accelerator, and the rear wheels start spinning, and I feel the rear of the go kart swinging. To prevent it from getting out of control, I instantly turn the steering wheel the other way. 

The rear is no longer swinging, but it still feels weird. I adjust the steering bit by bit, until the go kart goes back to normal.

I pull up in front of the members, and I ask what happened.

Joel: What happened back there?

Joseph: Dude you were amazing!!

Joel: How?

Joseph: You were drifting in the last corner!! It was soooo IMPRESSIVE!!

Joel: Wow I didn't even know I did that haha..

Max (Another member): Go again, you are sooo good at this!!

Joel: Okayy haha..

And therefore I go again.. This time the incident happens as I turn into the second corner...

As I turn into the second corner, I hit the brakes, but nothing happens. I try to turn my steering wheel to stop the go kart, but it doesn't stop. Instead, it starts to roll over.

Everything happens so fast. I realize the world outside keeps spinning, the ground is below me, then half a second later it's above me, and the cycle continues for a few seconds.

After it stops spinning, Joseph and the members open the door and pull me out.

Joseph: You okay Joel? 

Joel: T-the b-brakes did-dn't w-work... 

Joseph: Okay, take note of that.

Joel: I t-think I'm f-fine, j-just d-dizzy...

Joseph: Then that's good, seems like the rollover bars we installed did a good job at keeping you safe. And I think you should go rest, Joel..

Joel: okay..

I'm so dizzy. I slowly return to the Boarding School, and lie on my bed. 

I think I fall asleep shortly afterwards..

Hi readers, sooo my holidays are ending soon, so I will not be able to write so frequently now. Hope y'all forgive me for that.  :)

byebyee <3

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