Chapter 28: No Lizzie!

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Lizzie's POV:

Joel and I are neck and neck right now... I really want to win tho.. 

We're about 25 meters from the finish line, and we're both going at high speeds. I know I'll have to do something to win... but what?

An idea pops into my mind. I quickly turn around, 180 degrees, and slide backwards. I notice Joel gaining the lead as I do that. It doesn't matter though, I quickly use my feet to propulse myself backwards. From the thrust I got, I zoom past Joel right before I pass the finish line. I win!!!

Lizzie: WOOHOO I won Joel!!

Joel: Congrats Lizzie! Nice move at the end! I'm really impressed.

Lizzie: Why thank you Small Beans. Hahahaa.

Joel: So I gotta pay for your dinner later. You're welcome LDShadowLady.

We return the drift sleds and walk together, back to our room, where we take turns to shower and rest in bed for awhile. 

Also, we play Minecraft together, our survival world to be specific. This time we manage to build a small town around our base. We name it 'Jeremyville' because it seems like a good name for a town (X Life reference there hehe...). We also go mining, and somehow we find over two stacks of diamonds. It's unreal! 

We play all the way until 6.30pm, when we finally decide to have dinner.

Joel's POV:

Dinner's alright. Lizzie and I continue to try some Finnish meals, and so far none of them disappoints, not too shabby!

After dinner, we decide to go for a walk around the lake. It's freezing out there, but we're trying to stargaze, hopefully we can see the milky way clearly..

We walk the paths, surrounded by leafless trees all around us. Everything around us is white, and lifeless. It's a very interesting experience, and abit terrifying too.. We walk and walk, then eventually decide to sit down.

It's around 8pm now, Lizzie and I are admiring the stars above us. We can also see them in the lake too, the water is so still and stagnant, reflecting almost everything in the sky. 

After awhile, we get up and walk around the lake, trying to take as many pictures as possible. It's a little dark out there, and our cameras aren't actually that good, so most of the time the photos we take are fully black. It takes awhile to find a place where the lighting is decent.

In the end, we arrive at a dock. I go ahead to take some pictures of it, together with the kinda dark but picturesque scenery. On the other hand, Lizzie decides continue walking, as she claims that she is freezing already.

Lizzie's POV:

Brrrrrrrrrrrrrr... I feel so cold right now. Gotta keep moving to keep myself warm...

I walk back and forth along the side of the lake as quickly as I can. Then I accidentally step on a slippery stone, I slide down into the river, and I have no idea what happens next.

Joel's POV:

Aaaannndd... CAPTURE! Wow, this is a pretty one! Gonna post this on Twitter later, I reckon it's gonna get so many likes!

Suddenly, I hear a splashing sound in the background. I turn around, and no one's there. Hmm, there's no one there, I guess I'm fine...


Joel: Lizzie!! Where are you?

There's no response. 

I run to to where she was before I heard the splashing sound. I look closely at the ground, and I see a distorted footprint. It's stretched towards the lake...

I know where she is now.

I immediately take off my jacket and my shirt, and I jump into the water, forcing my eyes to open so I can see clearer. It's dark in the water, and I don't know if there are any fish wanting to hurt me or Lizzie right now, but I don't care.

I dive deeper every second, until I finally see some contrast in colors. I push myself towards the color contrast, and it's Lizzie! She's not moving though, and this scares me. Nevertheless, I take her by the arm, and let myself float on the water. 

Thankfully I didn't go very far from land, only about 10 meters. Still holding Lizzie, I swim to land, where I put my things. 

I place Lizzie on the snow, and put my hands over her nose. She isn't breathing. I start panicking, but I keep reminding myself to calm down. 

I remember myself taking a course about rescuing people when I was still in primary school. This is my chance to put what I learned into use. I gently place my mouth onto hers, and start blowing air into her lungs, then after a few seconds I let the air out (I'm not sure if this is how you do it, I just googled for information). I repeat this a few times until...

Lizzie: *cough *cough 

Joel: Lizzie!! You're awake!

Lizzie: W-what h-happened?

Joel: You weren't breathing! And I was so worried!!

Lizzie: S-sorry.

Joel: No it's not your fault it's mine. I shouldn't have let you walk on your own.

Lizzie: It's ok...

Joel: Are you able to get up Lizzie?

Lizzie: I-I'll try...

She tries to get up, and I help her by gently supporting her on the back.

Joel: You still okayy?

Lizzie: Yea.. Much better.. But I'm still cold.. and my head hurts very bad.

Joel: Alright hang in there Lizzie I'll call the ambulance.

I pick up my phone and dial the hospital. They pick up after two rings. I blurt out what happened to Lizzie and they promised to send an ambulance to this location. Indeed, after ten minutes an ambulance with snow tires equipped arrive. I carry Lizzie onto the ambulance, and take all our things, making sure we don't leave anything behind.

Hi readers, I finally released a long chapter.. YAYY!! I feel like I haven't released a long chapter in a long time haha but here you go :)

I'll still try my best to post as much as possible this week. Anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you in the next one, that'll hopefully be published tmr :D

byebyee <3

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