Chapter 33: The Race

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Joel's POV: 

Lizzie and I park the cart beside the small road, together with the teenager, and it seems like he brought his friend with him. 

We exit our cars, and plan the race.

Teen: So I'll be driving against..

Lizzie: Me!

Joel: Lizzie let me drive, I have the experience.

Lizzie: Yeah but you havent practised in a long time.

I scratch my head, not knowing what to say. What she said is true though, if I race, I'll definitely lose because of my lack of practice.

Lizzie: So here's the route. We go straight, make a 90 degree turn at this junction, go straight again, u turn then come back the way we went. We'll make it two laps okayy?

Everyone nods in agreement.

Teen: So what happens if we win?

Joel: Respect?

Teen: Nah what about 500 pounds.

Joel: Then what happens if she wins? *Points at Lizzie*

Teen: I'll give you 500 pounds. Deal?

Joel: Um can we-

Lizzie: DEAL! Let's go!

I turn to Lizzie, confused by her behaviour.

Joel: Lizzie 500 dollars is alot, if you lose then my parents are gonna be furious.

Lizzie: I really be thrilled, Joel. Besides, I have a plan.

Lizzie whispers her plan to me. It's a tad bit dangerous for sure, but hey I reckon it's worth a try!

Our go karts line up, sandwiching the teen's friend, who is doing the countdown.

Friend: Are you ready?

I can hear the engines revving like crazy, signalling that they're ready.

Friend: Three, Two, One... GOOO!!

He waves his hand as two go karts zoom past him. Soon enough, the cars disappear into the distance, and is no where to be seen. I can still hear the engines working hard though.

Lizzie's POV:

As I hear the word 'GO', I dump the clutch, and floor the throttle. I can feel the weight of the car shift to the back, pushing me into my seat, and the rear tyres to the ground, which is exactly what I want. It helps with traction, which is very important in this kind of race.

This go kart is fast. But it's not as fast as the opponent's one. I'm already going like 40mph and he's inching away from me, forcing me to look at the go kart's ugly rear end. Man that's an ugly go kart, Joel's design is much better than that!

As we approach the first corner, that guy slams on the brakes, forcing his go kart to lose some speed. I grab this opportunity to zoom past it, into the corner. As I turn into the corner, I hit the throttle lightly, causing the rear end of my go kart to hit his. He stops for a second, and I can hear him yell 'hey' at me. I should feel bad for damaging his car, but honestly I don't. I find it kinda funny actually. I smirk as I accelerate out of the corner, leaving the teen behind.

My lead didn't last very long though. After about 100 meters, that guy catches up to me again. He drives straight into my car's rear end. The car's rear is damaged surely, but I really don't care actually. What I do care though, because of this, I lose traction, and this go kart decides to drift to the left. I try as hard as I can to countersteer, and eventually it works, I'm back on track, but my heart sinks when I realize how far ahead that guy is.

Damn I wasted alot of time drifting! No wonder F1 drivers don't drift!

The teen finishes the first lap first, and I finish it second, about 5 seconds slower than him.

We're about to make the final u turn now. It's time to execute the secret plan I told Joel, and it's now or never. 

Since I'm quite far behind that teen, he gets to make the u turn first, which is what I want. After he turns, he would be driving towards where I am. Before he passes me tho, I drive right into his path. He doesn't want to move away at first, but I stay adamant, and stay in his lane. He has no choice, and when we're about 10 meters away from each other, he turns his steering wheel, and his car goes flying right into the bushes beside the road. 

Before he gets his chance to recover, I make the u turn, and floor it. In the matter of seconds, I zoom right past him. 

I'm definitely winning right now, and I smile at myself.

Joel's POV:

The engine sounds are getting louder and louder every second. Who's gonna appear first? It's very likely gonna be that teen, he's been in front of Lizzie for basically the whole race. I sigh, and the thought of paying that teen 500 pounds keeps coming to my mind.

Soon, the go karts come into sight.

Hi readers

I have been reading street racing stories lately and i think I love this genre. I put some of this stuff into this Jizzie story and I hope you like it as much as I do :) 

Also there was a time when this story was #1 in automotive! That was insane thanks everyone! 

Anyways I'll see y'all in the next chapter 

byebyee <3

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