Chapter 13: Trouble

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I thought of an idea YAYY!! :D

Lizzie's POV:

Just a normal school day, the first period's math, then science, then English, then art... Kinda boring if you ask me.

In art class, the teacher, Ms Smith asks us to do some nature spray painting. On a piece of paper, I sketch a stem, with many leaves, and I cut it out. I then place the stem and leaves on another piece of paper, and I start spraying different colors on it.

I spray 2 colors, orange and green. As I lift my head up to take another color, I feel a cold sensation behind my head. I turn around, and I see Alyssa spraying blue paint at me. 

Alyssa: Hahahaha!!! Lizzie you look amazing!!

Lizzie: Alyssa you... UGH!!! You ruined my look!!

Alyssa: Oops, sorry Lizzie.. HAHAH!

She continue to spray at me. I quickly take whatever I can, and spray at her face. She immediately fall back. But Ms Smith approach us..

Ms Smith: What do you think you are doing, Lizzie and Alyssa?

Lizzie: Alyssa kept spraying me, I sprayed at her to stop it.

Ms Smith: You know spray painting each other is extremely dangerous right?

Lizzie and Alyssa: Yea...

Ms Smith: As a punishment, I'm giving you two detention for the next three days, okay?

Lizzie: Three days?!?!

Ms Smith: Yep, may be more, but no less.

Ugh!!! I never had detention in my life!! I'm a good student, a teacher's pet. I just sprayed her to protect myself, and now I have detention!!?!! Guess I'll have to live with it..

After lunch, I enter the detention room, where I see Alyssa talking to other girls. They stop talking and look at me as I walk in.

Alyssa: Well, well, well. Look who's here for detention.

Girl 1: The teacher's pet is here for detention haha!!

Girl 2: Let's see what we can do with you...

For the whole detention, these girls threaten me to join their so called 'gang'. If not they say they would 'ruin my life forever'. I don't believe them, and I don't want to follow them. But as time goes on, I start to feel scared of them. 

The thought of these girls threatening me keeps popping up in my mind, even after I return to my room. I stare at the mirror in the toilet, thinking that I should change, become tougher. I don't need to care about being the teacher's pet and stuff. I need to be tough so I can defend myself..

Suddenly my phone rings.. It is Joel.

Joel: Hey LDShadowLady.

Lizzie: What do you want Joel?

Joel: Uh.. Wanna go out to have dinner together?

Lizzie: Not now, Joel. I'm having a really bad day today..

Joel: Oh okayy Lizzie, bye then.

I hang up the call. And look at the mirror again. I need to change myself, I'm not good enough...

I sneak into some girl's room, and 'borrow' some black hair dye. I'm dying my hair black from now on. I mix the dye with some conditioner, and apply it on my hair. After about an hour, I rinse away the dye, and my hair is black now..

I still need a new makeup style.. I start my doing some makeup, old Lizzie style. Then I thicken the eyeliner, it makes my eyes seem a lot darker, I love it!! Then I darken the color of my lipstick to a kind of blackish-purple. It actually looks amazing on me. I'm very proud of my new look.

I open my cupboard, and pick some dark colored clothes to wear. I pick a dark purple T-shirt, and a pair of black skinny jeans. I change into them, and I look into the mirror again.

I can't believe I look like this now. I'm so happy!! 


Hi everyone... I came up with this idea my by own ... not very good I know, but I'm inspired by Lizzie's emo/scene phase back in a day. I'm also inspired by School of Rock Season 3 idk what episode loll.

Anyways I hope you enjoyed reading, and I'll see you in the next part

byebyee <3

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