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I slept restlessly that night, my thoughts buzzing all over the place. I was eager to tell Adam, but at the same time I dreaded it. I mean, we weren't in a committed relationship yet, but it didn't make the situation any better. It didn't make my guilt go away. I knew I needed to tell him as soon as possible, mainly because he had a right to know but also for the sake of my sanity. It would definitely put my mind at ease.

Now wasn't a good time for Adam, either, but a big part of me knew that I couldn't not tell him. That would be worse than telling him, for sure.

But the main thing going through my head was the fact that Ronan had kissed me. I wasn't expecting it, that was for sure. I kept telling myself that it was sudden and random, but then when I thought back to certain times, I wondered whether it was random at all. That it was something that had been brewing for a while. I mean, we'd been through a lot together. There was no denying the fact that we were very close. But the question was, how close? Did Ronan really feel that way about me, or was it just something that happened in the moment? Was Ronan now thinking that he'd made a mistake and didn't actually feel like that towards me at all? I knew that I loved Ronan, and I thought I knew that to be as a friend. Now, I wasn't so sure.

I woke early and headed into uni, knowing that Kate was also planning on going in early to finish some work. I'd actually finished the work, but I felt like seeing Kate face to face would be good. She could assure me that everything would be fine, and advise me on what to do next.

I sat next to Kate in the lab, and pulled her earphone out when she didn't notice me.

She jumped. "Oh, hey." She smiled, and turned to face me. Then she grinned. "Girl, I don't even know what to say to you."

I couldn't help but smile as well. "I don't know what to say to me either!" I exclaimed, and then sighed.

"When are you seeing Adam next?" She asked.

I shrugged. "I have no idea."

"And Ronan?"

"Probably today at some point." I said. "I don't know how awkward it's gonna be."

Kate pouted, thinking, and then her eyes lit up. "Oh, did you get Peter's email?"

I frowned. "No." I paused. "Although, I haven't looked."

"We're going to the museum tomorrow." She said.

"Oh, sweet." I said, and took my phone out to look at the email myself. Indeed, there was an email from Peter indicating that we could either meet at the uni at 9:30am to travel as a group, or just meet at the museum at 10:30am. "You wanna go with everyone else from the uni?" I asked.

Kate nodded. "Sure, might as well."

I looked at my watch- we still had a few hours before uni started.

"Okay." I said firmly, grabbing my bag again.

Kate looked at me, confused. "Where are you going?" She asked.

"I'm going to go and tell Adam." I said. "Sitting here thinking about it is giving me anxiety."

"Oh." She said, perhaps a little surprised but also not surprised. "Well, I think it will be alright, but good luck anyway."

I smiled. "Thanks, Kate. I'll see you later."

"See ya." She said, and I left.


I was a little nervous on the train. I hadn't given Adam a heads up about my arrival, although I wondered whether I probably should have. I mean, he could have been in bed for all I knew. I decided to text him saying I was on my way, and that it was important I saw him.

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