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***Ricardo POV***

"You idiots." I rolled my eyes at Rocco and Silvano who were playing I spy. "We're in the fucking sky."

The whole 6 hours the two of them have been eating my mind up.

"Chill boss." Silvano laughed. I don't like being disrespected by my men but Silvano and Luca are practically family. There's no doubt they would take a bullet for me.

"We're here boss." Luca said and I looked down, seeing a gas station. The helicopter landed on a ledge at the side and me and Silvano got out to see. I ran to the gas station, going inside of the shop as Silvano searched the area.

"Hai visto una donna con i capelli neri e gli occhi verdi in una macchina gialla? (Have you seen a woman with black hair and green eyes in a yellow car?) " I asked the shopkeeper, hoping for her to be around here somewhere.

There was a brief pause as he looked off to think.

I exhaled and relaxed as he nodded his head.

"sì, sembrava piuttosto stressata. stava piangendo in macchina e poi se ne andò avanti. (Yes, she looked quite stressed. She was crying in her car and then she drove off ahead)" The man replied and pointed to the other side of the road.

I felt a tug on my heart. The thought of her crying alone made me clench my fists in anger. But K wasn't angry at anyone else. I was angry at myself. It was my fault she was out here alone.

I ran out of the shop before Silvano called me. He was sitting near the side of the road and was holding pieces of metal in his hands.

"Boss." He stood up and showed me the pieces.

"That's her phone." I muttered under my breath. "She probably threw it on the road because she knew we were tracking her." I ran my hands through my hair as I thought. Then I returned to helicopter.

"Well, did you find any clues?" Rocco asked.

I sighed and showed him the pieces of the phone.

"Something doesn't feel right. Keep flying the helicopter over this road, I need answers." I ordered Luca and he started the helicopter again.

We flew for what felt like hours, as I scanned the empty motorway from above. Nothing. Not even a single car in sight. But it was after midnight.

"Wait stop." I ordered as I spotted something that caught my eye. "Go down."

The helicopter landed on the side of the road and I ran out. My body froze in horror as I saw the yellow car Ariel was driving, but it was smashed. Smashed into shreds.

"No. No-no" I ran towards the car. "ARIEL!" I searched the car shreds for even a sign of Ariel. Nothing. She wasn't here. Something felt off.

"WHERE IS SHE!" I growled while desperately going through the car parts. I was stopped in my tracks when I saw something on the road.

Ariel's handgun. I checked it, but the bullets where all finished.

I didn't know what to do. She was in danger. I sat down on the ground in defeat, staring at the wall in front of me.

Somebody had taken Ariel. My blood boiled at even the thought of anyone hurting her. I knew she was a fierce, deadly woman but I couldn't stand the fact that I had no idea what had happened to her.

I knew she could protect herself but I wanted to be there with her. I lifted my fist and smashed it against the wall. I did it again, repeatedly punching the wall in front of me before Rocco ran behind me and held me back.

"Somebody took her. I NEED ANSWERS!" I yelled while Rocco held me back.

"We need to go home Ricardo. I'll fly Irina out here as soon as I can and we can find Ariel." He pulled me back and dragged me towards the helicopter, as I silently sat inside.

The whole ride was silent all the way home. Rocco phoned Irina, and she got worried and got her first flight here. She said she told her uncle but he did believe her, he said that Ariel was just stubborn. But we didn't believe that.

*8 hours later*

"We need clues. Anything that could help us find her." Irina paced around the living room.

We were all out of ideas. Even though we had Irina, the worlds most smartest tech genius who could easily track anyone down.

We sat back in defeat, a heavy silence falling on us.

It was then when I realised...

"The necklace." I muttered and I turned to look at Irina and Rocco with a grin, as they furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.

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