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Fiance? I thought that Ricardo was my fiancé before my injury, at least from what I heard from Irina.

"Liar." I muttered before turning my back towards him.

"Your parents are worried sick, do they know your out here? Are you safe?" He said, with a concerned voice. At this point I didn't know what to believe.

"I don't talk to strangers." I said before turning my back towards him again, but this time he snatched my arm.

"What are you doing? Let me go." I tried pulling my arm back but he was strong. He dragged me out of the entrance, before I could even scream and placed his hand over my mouth.

I didn't know what to do, even Ricardo wasn't here.

The man tried dragging me towards a van, making me panic and scream frantically.

Something inside of me made me kick his genitals, and he reached down in pain, loosening his grip on me.

I quickly took his gun from his holster and pointed it at his head. I didn't know how, or why I naturally had the instinct.

Two men from inside of the van ran out and aimed their guns at me.

At that point, I froze. But I knew that to do, deep inside.

I shot the man in front of me before shooting the other two. One of the two men shot at me before they fell to the ground, but my reflexes helped me dodge the bullet.

It all happened so fast, I looked at my hands in surprise and back at the three men who lay dead on the ground.

4 more men ran out of the van, and I didn't know what else to do.

I tried shooting my gun but it was out of bullets. I closed my eyes tightly and waited for them to capture me. Accepting my fate.

I opened them again to see them all on the ground, and Ricardo tackling one of them.

He furiously beat the man up, locking him in between his legs and throwing punches effortlessly, making the mans face purple and red from blood.

All of the men lay dead, and Ricardo stood up and walked towards me.

"What did they do?" He growled, his jaw clenched as he scanned my face and body for any injuries.

"Someone tried to take me, he said he was my fiancé. But I killed him."

He raised his eyebrows.

"You killed someone?"

"Him and the other two." I pointed at the men on the ground.

I could see Ricardo was trying to hold back a smile, and that alone made me so happy. The man practically had a scowl moulded onto his face.


My soul lit up when I heard that Ariel had killed. This meant that the real Ariel was still in there somewhere.

We went back to my car, and I made some phone calls.

I yelled over the phone at my men, before putting my phone down.

The body guards that were supposed to come with us had decided to bolt during that incident. This meant that there were moles in my mafia.

I angrily started the car up, and with a roar it sped through the roads.

"You're going really fast." Ariel said uncomfortably.

I remained unfazed, not realising she had spoken. The fury inside of my head was taking over - it was as if my body was on fire.

Somebody had tried to hurt Ariel once again, and just like last time, I wasn't there for her.

My grip on the wheel tightened and the Ferrari went even faster.

"Slow down. You're going too fast." She urged. But I was too consumed by my flames.

"Ricardo please." She put her hand over mine in panic, and just like that it was as if all of my flames died down.

I slowed the car down, as she sighed.

"I have to tell you." She said uneasily as I glanced at her. "I got another flashback."

"What?" I said with hope in my voice.

"It was yesterday night. After you left, I felt electricity in my head and then some weird flashback of me and you in a kitchen. At night time."

I sat in silence, mostly to conceal my excitement.

"And today." I turned to look at her as she continued.

"In the restaurant, I had this memory of you im a ballroom." She said, unsure.

"The ball." I whispered under my breath, consumed by my thoughts.

I could clearly remember how beautiful Ariel looked at that ball. When she was on a mission and I interrupted it to piss her off.

I didn't realise that I was smiling at the thought, and Ariel 2.0 noticed.

"Are you okay?" She asked curiously. "I've never seen you smile." She looked out at the window.

"You know I loved her...you." I knew I sounded cheesy, but I continued.

"How was she like? How was I like?" She asked.

I paused for a moment, focusing on the road.

"You...you were the strongest woman I had ever met. A real bad ass." And with that, I broke down my walls.

"She was always in one of her moods. Never fell for anyone's bullshit. Never even fell for mine."

She smiled to herself, amazed at who she actually was.

2 weeks later


I was bored out of my mind. I had no friends or family to talk to, and even if I did, I'd see them as strangers.

I felt lonelier than ever.

I walked through the hallway to go downstairs, and was walking past Ricardo's office when I heard my name.

I stopped for a second, telling myself that I shouldn't eavesdrop, but I couldn't help myself.

"What are you going to do with her?"

"I don't have a choice. I have to kill her."

"Ric, maybe there's still a chance that she-"

"What? That we can trust her? I'm not taking any chances."

The sound of a gun cocking and heavy footsteps made me bolt downstairs. I hid in a hallway to gather my thoughts.

Ricardo was going to kill me? But how can I be so sure?

No, I heard my name. They probably see me as a burden. I'm a stranger to them.

I have to get away from this place, before they kill me and my child.

The Death of Me Where stories live. Discover now