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The buzzer went off signaling the beginning of the game.

Harrison Miller. Junior. Good football player. Harrison filled in for me while I was injured. He's probably gonna be quarterback next year when he's a senior. At least he got some practice in, he usually was on the offensive line but he has great throwing skills.

"Come on Harry!" Coach yelled. They were in their third down. Harry had to make the choice to run with the ball. Both Maverick and Duke got tackled. Coach was getting pretty mad because the offensive line wasn't doing their job correctly, causing Duke to get tackled. "Time out!" Coach yelled. Harrison got tackled. Yep Coach was pissed.

"What in the world is wrong with y'all?" Coach yelled.

The team was dead silent. No one dared to say a word. We all silently knew what was wrong.

"Let me ask again. what is wrong?" He yelled.

"Adrien" they all mumbled at different times.

"Adrien shouldn't affect y'all. What will happen next year when he's gone? What if he got injured for the rest of the season? Huh? What would y'all do then? You can't let one person determine if the team is good or not. Got it?"

"Yes sir" they said in unison.

"Can I talk to them, Coach?" I asked.

"Sure son" he patted my back.

"I thought I told y'all to work your asses off. A team is only as strong as its weakest player, not its best." Did I just imply that I was the best player? Yes. Did I mean it in a cocky way? No. "Coach is right I'm not gonna be here next year and this guy" I said clapping Harrison on the back. "Is probably gonna be your quarterback. Get used to him. Play together, play hard, and play to win."

Coach came back and started telling them what plays to do next. I zoned out of what he was saying and stepped away from the huddle. I smiled slightly at the sight. Soon enough, but still too far away, I will need to pay my way in the game.
Half time rolled around and we were getting beat. After the little pep talk they went out there and played hard but apparently the bulldogs played harder. I really wanted to go out there and show them up. The score was seventeen to seven, them, at the end of the second quarter.

When we were in the locker room everything was quiet. There were hushed voices around the room talking about how terrible we were doing, crap about other players, complaining that I'm gone and so on. Coach would have their heads if he heard them. I eventually had enough of it and screamed to stop before speed walking my way out of there.

My head had started to pound. Thankfully the sun had gone down and light wasn't a problem unless I decided to stupidly stare at the stadium lights. The more I walked the more angry and determined the little men inside my head were to get out. I went to find the only thing I could to make this feel the slightest bit better.


I sat next to her and laid my head on her shoulder. She jumped a little not knowing it was me. When she finally turned around her face expression went from panic to concern.

"Adrien?" She questioned. She looked once into my eyes that held pain. She immediately grabbed my face with her hands. "Are you okay? What happened? What do you need?"

"Yeah fine. People pissed me off and now I have a migraine. Have any ibuprofen?"

"No but my mom might let me ask her" she got up from her spot with Allie and walked to her Mr and Mrs Smith. After talking to her mom and Mrs. Smith digging through her purse while the marching band played she came back over her with an apologetic smile. "She didn't have ibuprofen but she had Advil, here" she said, taking two out of the bottle and handing them to me.

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