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"First of all we'd like to say congratulations, we're happy for you" Maverick started.

"You've got one hell of a girl," Xander said.

"Thanks," I said cautiously. I definitely wasn't expecting that.

"With that said" Maverick drew out.

"We're gonna have to warn you"

"You hurt her"

"And your dead"

First of all how'd they do that. Second of all I already know this I've known Maverick since I was in third grade.

"Yes I know and I don't plan on hurting her."

"That's what they all say," Xander said.

"Okay I've been warned"

"There's some rules you need to follow," Maverick started.

"Okay" I can deal with some rules easily.

"One, no skipping class together" Xander said.

"Two, keep away from extreme public PDA. We're okay with kisses and hugs and normal couple stuff but if you makeout with her in public you will not be able to father children" Maverick said seriously.

"Three, don't break her curfew. I will be up when she comes home, " Xander said.

"Four, no sneaking on her phone to see if she's texting any other guys or some shot like that, trust her."  Okay that's a given only a douche would do that.

"Five, no sneaking out," Xander said.

"Six, keep it down in front of parents and other adults" another given.

"Seven, the most important, no sex! Y'all are both way too young wait till marriage" Xander all but yelled. What the hell? There's no way in a million years I am ready for that. I've been taught to wait till marriage and respect girls.

"Is everything understood?" Xander asked.

"Yes" I knew if I broke any one of those rules I would be unable to father children or dead on the side of the road. They meant business and I respect that. I know how much they care for Aria.

"Seriously man, we're really happy that you and Aria are together."

"I called it the moment I saw y'all two together" Xander spoke.

"Thanks guys and I swear on my mother that I won't break any of those rules"
"Are you ready, son?"

"Yeah" I said, trying to hide my nervousness. If I didn't pass this test I wouldn't be able to play next week against our rivals the anacondas. Weird mascot for a school but they're the only natural predator of the jaguar.

It's been a week since I've asked Aria out. Our game against the anacondas is in a week. Honestly I'm really scared not to be playing them but I'm scared I'm going to let my team down if I'm allowed to play or not.

"We're here," Dad announced.

This test isn't a normal history or math test. No, this is a concussion test. If I pass I can start engaging in physical activity again, meaning I can start playing football again. If I fail I have to stay on the sidelines.

Most of the symptoms for my concussion are gone. I don't have light sensitivity anymore, I don't get major headaches, only small one every few days, and I can focus in school better.

"Son you're going to be fine"

"Thanks dad" I hopped out of the truck.


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