Alone Again

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Faryn and Amy were left alone again.

They were too tired to cook dinner, so they decided to just order a pizza.

They played Uno while they waited for their pizza to be delivered. Faryn had turned the stereo on as well so Amy's favourite music was also playing in the background.

They were still naked, as they'd been all day, and they had no intention of putting clothes on.

When the knock on the door came fifteen minutes later, they wrapped each other up in a towel and went to the door together.

It was the same delivery boy as last time, the one who'd flirted with Faryn.

"Evening, Miss Tate."

"Good evening," Faryn replied.

"And who's this fine young woman with you?" he asked, looking at Amy.

"I'm Amy Baker," she said. "I'm Faryn's girlfriend."

"Oh," the boy said. "Sorry. I didn't know."

He handed them their pizza and left.

As soon as the door was shut, their towels came off again.

They ate a slice each, then began sharing slices. Faryn would take a bite, then Amy would and vice versa.

Then, they began feeding slices to each other. Amy held a slice while Faryn ate it, and the other way around.

Twenty minutes later, they were disappointed to find the pizza gone.

By now, it was getting on half-past eight. But the girls weren't ready to go to sleep just yet.

"I wanna try something," said Faryn.

"What is it, my love?"

"Well," she began. "I've had something for a while now. I've just been waiting for the right time to bring it out."

"What have you been hiding?" Amy teased, smirking at her girlfriend.

"A strap on dildo," Faryn replied.

"So you wanna fuck me with it?"

"Got it in one, babygirl! Do you want to, Amy?"

"Fuck yeah!" Amy answered, her eyes shining at the prospect of Faryn putting her dildo into her. "I'd fucking love too!"

They got up and went into their bedroom (It's been their's since they started living together, before it was just Faryn's).

"Sit on our bed," Faryn said. Amy sat on their bed. "I'll be right back, baby."

Faryn strode into her walk-in closet. She went to the back, which was where she kept stuff she didn't want other people to find. She pulled out a medium-sized box and opened it.

Inside was a 12 inch, nude coloured dildo with a harness attached.

Faryn got it out and put it on. She positioned the dildo's hilt over her pussy, in the hope that it might go into her as well.

She left the closet. Amy's jaw dropped when she saw Faryn, wearing the 12 inch dildo, walking towards her.

"That's fucking huge, babe!" Amy exclaimed. "How's that supposed to fit inside me?"

"I'll make sure of that," replied Faryn. "Don't you worry about that."

She reached Amy and pulled her into a deep kiss. Neither of them had to wait for entrance into the other's mouth, for they both opened their mouths and let each other's tongues snake their way in.

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