Waking Up

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The next morning, Amy woke up in yet another orgasm albeit a very quiet one. She didn't dare move because she loved the feeling too much.

Fifteen minutes later, Faryn woke up in her own orgasm.

"Morning baby," she said.

"Morning honey," Amy replied.

They smiled as they gazed into each other's eyes lovingly.

They reluctantly got up after removing themselves from each other and Amy's dildo.

Amy picked up her sneakers and Faryn picked up her ankle boots. They put them away in their closet. Then, they picked out their outfits.

Amy chose to wear a yellow dress that barely covered her thighs as it was a very short dress. It had short sleeves. She wore her green lace bra and matching panties underneath. She chose to just wear sliders today.

Faryn decided on a white strapless mini dress that covered half of her thighs. It had pink and purple flowers on it. She didn't put a bra on this time. She opted to try and go commando today, so didn't put any panties on. She put on a pair of translucent tights to compensate for the lack of underwear. For her shoes, she put on a pair of five inch stilettos. It was really hot today, so she didn't bother picking up her leather jacket.

They got dressed and went to the kitchen to eat breakfast.

Amy insisted to do it herself this morning, so made them both some toast. They ate in silence and then washed everything up in silence.

"Whatcha wanna do today, babes?" Amy asked.

"I've been thinking," Faryn began. "I think we need to get a washing machine for this place. It'll take the strain off my parents as they'll only have to do the shopping for us."

"Yeah, that's a good idea. It'd make things a lot easier, wouldn't it?"

"Yeah, it would baby."

"So, you wanna go out and get one?" Amy questioned.

"Yes. But, I'd like us to go with my dad. He'll be able to help us pick the right one and the right size and stuff. Plus, he'll be able to help us carry it."

"Okay then. Do you wanna do that yourself with your dad and I'll stay here and tidy things up?"

"Are you sure?" Faryn was kind of confused. "You can come along, if you want?"

"No, it's fine. I can maybe start making room for a washing machine? Where abouts were you thinking of putting it?"

"Just there," Faryn answered. She pointed at a stretch of bare wall about five feet wide. "Should fit there, I'd say."

"Unless it's fucking huge, that is!" Amy joked.

"That's right!" Faryn chuckled.

"That's a good place, though."

They decided that Faryn would go with her father to get the washing machine, while Amy stayed at home and tidied everything up.

They got ready to part ways.

Faryn took a picture of the space on her phone for reference if needed. She then turned to her girlfriend, who'd been standing behind her and leaning her chin on Faryn's bare shoulder.

They hugged each other tightly, not wanting to go their separate ways.

"I'll see you later Ams," Faryn said.

"See you later Faz," Amy replied.

They kissed.

"Love you Amy."

"Love you too Faryn."

Faryn left.

Amy waved her off from the front door, then went back inside.

She picked up their discarded clothing from last night and put them in a pile on their bedroom floor out of the way for now. She put their dildos away, and got rid of Bill's condom.

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