18; the new cellmate

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"Get in there, 185." The guard threw the new girl into Sana's cell, with Sana looking as confused as ever.

"Hello? Who is this?" Sana asked the guard.

"Your cellmate." He blankly replied.

Sana turned to look at the girl who was still on the floor.

"What's your name?"

"None of your business."

"Playing hard, I see. Just tell me your name, princess." Sana glared at her. "If we're gonna be cellmates, we might as well get used to each other."

The girl rolled her eyes. "I'm Eunha."

"Great, I'm-"

"No need to explain. I already know who you are."

"You do?" Sana lifted her eyebrow.

Eunha nodded. "You're Minatozaki Sana. You used to be an actress, disappeared for two years and the second you came back to Korea, you were put in jail."

"It wasn't really THE second." Sana mumbled under her breath.

"You're here for a double kidnapping and murder, I know." Eunha stood up as she made her way to her metal bed.

"So what are you here for?" Sana asked her.

Eunha pursed her lips. "I'm in here for an accident."

"I'm in here for something I didn't even do, so your accident must have been big."

Eunha slightly nodded. "I accidentally killed a person by stabbing them."

"How can you accidentally kill a person by stabbing them?" Sana questioned curiously.

"It was my abusive father. Self-defence, actually, but the judge would never believe me."

"And why is that?"

She sighed. "My father was a good man outside of the house. He'd help the poor, he was really good at his job, and everyone loved him.

Everyone except for his own family.

He'd come home from work, drunk. He'd beat us until we were bruised and couldn't even stand up. He even threw my sister into a closet and locked her in there for three days.

By the time she came out, we had to bring her to the hospital. My father told all the lies he could possibly tell. He got out of it, unharmed."

Eunha swallowed a lump in her throat.

"And I was tired of it. So it was two days ago. He came home from work, drunk again. He was about to throw his beer bottle at my sister but I stopped him.

I tackled him until the bottle was out of his hands.

He tried to attack me.

So I took the bottle and smashed it onto his head. It shattered into a million pieces, and I took one and I stabbed him. I stabbed him until he was no longer breathing."

Sana looked in amazement as the small girl, who was actually very strong. "So how did you get caught?"

Eunha smiled to herself. "I handed myself over to the police."

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