chapter 3: Wedding Plans

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Cherry and Belle sat across from each other. Belle read her book, marked it and put it away for now.

"How's the book?" Cherry asked with a polite smile.

"Oh, I've read it twice, it's one of my favorites." Belle replied with a smile. "Daring sword fights, magic spells, a prince in disguise!"

"That's lovely." Cherry smiled. "What's it called?"

"Sleeping Beauty. I'd love to have an adventure like in this book."

"Adventures certinately can be fun." Cherry looked out the house window. "Where is your father? Shouldn't he be home soon?"

"I'm sure he'll be back soon in time for supper." Belle replied. "Speaking of which, maybe you should get home to your family."

"I don't want to leave you alone."

"I'll be fine, Cerise. Thanks, but I'll come to you after I finished my own supper, I'd love to meet your family."

"Okay, see you later, Belle." Cherry made her way to her new home with her parents.

Cherry came in and flattened down her torn up skirt. One of the things she didn't like about moving was that she was stuck wearing rags in contrast to a lot of the villagers' nicer clothing. Cherry walked in as her mother set down a bowl of fresh-baked rolls.

"You must follow your stomach, I just finished cooking our evening meal." Mom giggled.

"What are we having?" Cherry asked.

"Roast pork, buttery mashed potatoes, these fine rolls and fresh fruit for dessert." Dad replied. "Did you have a good time exploring the villiage?"

"Yes," Cherry served her own plate. "I made a new friend. Her name's Belle."

"I've heard about her." Mom responded. "A lot of people around here say she's odd and strange."

"I think she's cool." Cherry obliged. "Can she come over after supper? She said she'd be happy to stop by sometime."

"Of course, dear. We'd love to meet your new friends."

The family ate together and Belle did indeed come back. Belle met Cherry's parents and they were all welcomed and acquainted by each other. Belle and Cherry were now in Cherry's bedroom which consisted of a small window, a desk with papers and pens, with a rather large cot and a candle on her night stand. Belle was sewing Cherry a new outfit which would be more suitable and appropriate to go out to wear in public. It was a little larger once Cherry put on the black and blue outfit, but she loved it and loved it being big so she could keep wearing it for a long time and would take a while for her to outgrow it.

"Thank you so much, Belle!" Cherry squealed with delight.

"I'm glad you like it, I'm no professional but I'm pretty good." Belle smiled. "My mother used to sew all the time. Next to reading of course."

The girls talked for an hour on end. Then Dad came in to see the girls still awake.

"I hate to break this up, but Cherry needs to sleep now." Dad interrupted.

"Oh, okay Daddy." Cherry replied.

"I'll see you tomorrow okay, why don't you come over?" Belle suggested. "Would that be okay with you folks?" Belle turned to the man.

"Sounds good." Dad smiled. "We love it when our little girl socializes! Cherry's a big girl making friends!" Dad walked off, babbling to himself.

"Well, good night, Cerise." Belle smiled.

Cherry in Beauty and the BeastWhere stories live. Discover now