chapter 20: Forte's Wrath

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"Cerise, are you okay?" the Beast asked as the mirror flashed back to normal and Cherry coughed hoarsely.

"I wanna go home...." Cherry mumbled. "I don't feel well..."

"You do look a little pale..." The Beast picked Cherry up and tucked her back into bed.

Cherry coughed a little and hugged the pillow as she slowly drifted off to sleep. The Beast was unsure of what to do now.

"Ah, it tears me up to see you this way, Master," Forte drawled. "Why do you torment yourself? There's the symbol of your dreaded curse. Destroy it and end these adolescent notions of love and redemption. End your pain forever."

Cherry looked slightly to see the Beast about to destroy his enchanted rose, thus making the spell permanent. She wanted to stop him but she was too sick and weak and just shrugged it off as she drifted back to Dream Land.

"Yes.... Do it!" Forte got the Beast to fulfill his dreaded wishes. "SMASH IT!"

The Beast roared very loud, it almost disturbed Cherry, but she was still asleep. Just then as the jar was off, a small petal fell and landed on the present Belle had left for him before she went out looking for a Christmas tree. He then noticed the present.

"Belle?" he thought as he grabbed the present.

"What is it?" Forte looked over to see the smashing not happening. "What're you doing?"

The Beast finished unwrapping the present and walked to his chair by the fireplace.

"Ooohh.... A storybook...." Forte mocked. "Does this one have pretty pictures you can color?" he chuckled. "Utterly dreadful, Master."

"No! This one's different!" the Beast huffed as he held the book open. "It's from Belle and Cerise..."

"Well, that would account for the creative wrapping and childish drawings," Forte mumbled.

"QUIET!" The Beast growled. "I want to read."

Forte groaned, rolling his eyes as the Beast sat by the fire. He then looked down at Cherry to see her shivering and whimpering in her sleep. He glared at her, but then his expression softened as he saw a poor, innocent girl far away from home in sickness and not in health. He summoned some green lasers to gently rock her to sleep. Forte smiled as Cherry was now calm and restful and looked to see the Beast leaving the room.

"No Master!" he cried. "Come back! She'll only prolong your torment!"

It was after midnight. The Beast had finished reading his homemade present from Belle and Cherry and went to the dungeon to mend ways with Belle. Cherry was asleep in the bed sick from a terrible cold she had gotten from being outside in the snow-covered castle with only her autumn jacket.

"Cerise!" Forte blared to the ill girl.

"Huh...?" Cherry droned from sickness.

"Get the mirror," Forte demanded, pulling her out of the bed. "I want to see what's going on without me."

Cherry sniffled her nose and wiped the dripping with her sleeve as she walked over to the enchanted mirror on the nightstand.

"Show me... *cough, cough* Belle..." Cherry wheezed and sneezed. The mirror flashed green and showed an image of Belle in the dungeon dancing with Lumiere, Cogsworth and the enchanted ornaments.

They stopped once Adam came in.

"Uh-oh! The Master!" Chip cried.

"Uhh... Belle..." the Beast said in his beastly voice, twiddling his clawed fingers together. "Can you forgive me...?" His sky blue eyes looked into her hazel eyes.

Cherry in Beauty and the BeastWhere stories live. Discover now