chapter 23: The Dinner Party

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Cherry sighed heavily and stared out the window to see the snow-covered castle grounds. It felt like this was the longest winter of her life. This castle was strange and had enchanted objects for a castle staff who were all very friendly, except of course, for Maestro Forte, the former court composer. They were all like a surrogate family to her. Cogsworth was a lot like Cherry's father in a good mood, the Beast was like her father on a regular basis when scolding her older brother, Mike. Mrs. Potts was like the grandmother Cherry never had and Mrs. Potts felt a mutual feeling, Cherry was like the daughter/granddaughter she never had. Fife and Chip were like her new little cousins or brothers, Angelique was like an older sister, but Cherry was still unhappy.

Cherry blew hot air against the brisk cold window she looked out from and drew a sad face. She was too homesick to remain happy in the enchanted castle. Cherry hoped with the castle staff that Belle's power of love toward the Beast could release them from the spell and hopefully, Cherry could go back home to her family, she missed them really crazily. It was a dark winter night, and earlier, Cherry was surprised to meet more members of the castle group, how many servants does this castle have?

Cherry had meet Chandelaria, the chandelier, who did not have a specific job, but was a good friend of Babette and Angelique. Webster was the castle writer who had been turned into a simple dictionary, he often inspired Cherry with her writing and urges her to use stronger words when she writes stories in her own time using the castle study. Crane was turned into paper sheets and he often provided Cherry with more paper if she needed it. LePlume was a quill, he didn't mind when Cherry would write with him, but sometimes he wished she wouldn't squeeze so hard and she often uses normal quills to do her writing.

Cherry lazily went exploring one night and saw Cogsworth lighting Chandelaria's lights as it was getting darker and darker.

"Good afternoon, Cerise." Cogsworth glanced at the younger girl.

"Good afternoon." Cherry droned, yawning heavily and looking bored out of her mind.

"Doesn't Chandelaria look radiant?" Cogsworth smiled at the living chandelier.

"You and Lumiere should get together." Cherry joked. "You have the perfect light."

"Height?" Chandelera sounded offended and sent herself above the table. "What does height got to do with it?"

"Light, Chandeliera, light," Cogsworth corrected, then turned to Cherry. "Cerise, you must project more. You are a little girl and you must speak up when talking to grown ups."

"Yes, Cogsworth." Cherry replied, sounding irritated that he picked at her way of speaking.

"Well, why didn't you just say that in the first place?" Chandelira asked as Lumiere came over, lighting himself. "So, it'll be just the two of us? Won't that be marvelous?"

"Of course, madam." Lumiere replied, bowing to her.

"This sounds serious." Cherry commented, sliding her hands into her pockets.

"Indeed Cerise," Cogsworth told her. "Also Belle and the Master are going to have one of their first meals together."

"Is she going to say oui? Remember last time." Cherry sounded worried.

"She should say oui," Cogsworth replied and smiled at her French vocabulary. "Impressive Cerise, you have been taking French lessons as you adapted here?"

"Here and there," Cherry shrugged. "I pick it up from you guys most of the time."

"Well, you have learned very well." Lumiere complimented, which made the 10-year-old girl blush.

Cherry in Beauty and the BeastWhere stories live. Discover now