chapter 39: Back to the Castle

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"Mom... Dad...!" Cherry called as there were more vibrant, colorful lights coming from the sky.

They wrapped around the Beast and caused him to float in mid-air. Everyone looked with astonishment with the magic. His cape wrapped around his body and wind blew all around him. Belle stopped crying and took a look for herself. His skin was exposed as the fur burned out and every part of his body began to glow. He then slowly went on the ground with his cape over him. Belle, Bud, Michelle and Cherry walked over to see the beast.

The figure stood with black pants and a white, lose shirt. He turned to everyone to show his fair skin, golden brown hair, icy blue eyes and no beastly features.

"Beast?" Cherry called.

"You can call me Adam," he told her in a normal, calm voice. He then looked at Belle with a smile and looked at his hands with a smile. "Belle, it's me..."

Belle raised an eyebrow as everyone else couldn't believe their eyes. She then looked deep into his eyes and her hazel eyes widened. "It IS you!" Belle beamed.

Adam held Belle close and the beast was now human. Her love for him and his love for her had broken the spell after all. They shared a kiss together as blue glows plummeted for the sky and broke the clouds and made it a wonderful, sunshiny spring day. The gargoyles turned from dark and depressing to bright, marble woman statues and made fresh roses and vines in the gardens.

The servants came to join Belle and Adam. Lumiere hopped and he transformed into his human self, he had long caramel hair in a golden ribbon matching his pants and a cream-colored shirt with black buckled shoes.

"Lumiere!" Adam cried.

The mantel clock turned into a pudgy, older man wearing red with a curved black mustache with his chocolate hair down in a ponytail as well.

"Cogsworth!" Adam smiled.

The teapot turned into a short, elderly woman with deep dimples against her blushing lips. She had her ivory hair in a bun and wore a light lavender frilled maiden hat with dark purple dress, skirt and a white apron.

"Mrs. Potts!" Adam praised. "Look at us!" He pulled them all in a group hug.

"Mama! Mama!" Chip's voice called and he turned from a teacup on a footstool to a little boy with golden hair, blue eyes, a white shirt, blue pants and gray shoes on a dog with white fur and brown patches.

"Oh, my goodness!" Mrs. Potts held her son for the first time in years.

"Oh, what a wonderful happy ending!" Cherry gushed.

Belle laughed with happiness with everyone else as Adam held her in his arms and spun her around. In the castle, everyone was back to being human again and the furniture was no longer alive. Sunset came and everyone decided to have a ball in the castle to celebrate this wonderous occasion. The villagers apologized to Belle and Adam. Cherry was given a better dress from the castle and she, along with her family, were free to visit anytime.

"Ah, L'Amour..." Lumiere sighed. Then came human Babette in her maid uniform and feather duster, tickling against Lumiere. Lumiere got eager and chased after her, but then Cogsworth stood in his way.

"Well Jerry, old friend, shall we let bygones be bygones?" he asked, shaking Lumiere's hand politely.

"Of course, mon ami," Lumiere smiled. "I told you that she would break the spell!"

"I beg your pardon old friend, but I believe I told you."

"No, you didn't! I told you!"

Cherry giggled as the men fought and her parents shared a dance with Belle and Adam. Maurice wiped a tear feeling very happy for his daughter. Mrs. Potts still had her son in her arms and smiled at the display of romance.

"Are they gonna live happily ever after, Mama?" Chip asked.

"Of course dear, of course." Mrs. Potts smiled.

"Do I still have to sleep in the cupboard?"

Cherry in Beauty and the BeastWhere stories live. Discover now