chapter 12: Christmas Plans

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"Absolutely not!" Cogsworth said after Cherry, Belle and Chip requested for Christmas to be celebrated in the castle.

"Why not?" the wine glasses asked.

"Out of the question," Cogsworth walked around on the kitchen table. "Not a chance. Dream on. An impossibility. Forget it!"

"Aw come on!" the wine glasses cried.

"Suck in that gut!" Cogsworth snapped at a grease container.

"Mon ami, get with the spirit." Lumiere gently jabbed Cogsworth in the back to make his clock hands spiral uncontrollably. "Unwind."

"Come on love," Mrs. Potts said as her top was taken off and she was cleaned on the inside. "Have a heart."

"Yeah! Come on!" Cherry whined with the glasses.

"No... No... and let me think..." Cogsworth walked off as everyone got anxious about his next answer, but were immediately disappointed. "NO! This is where I put my foot down!" Cogsworth then slammed his foot in something mucky and disgusting and stumbled trying to get it off. "The Master has forbidden Christmas!"

"Forbid Christmas?" Cherry asked as she handed Belle a cookie sheet. "No one can forbid Christmas!"

"He doesn't wish to be reminded of his past and Christmas is the most painful reminder of it!" Cogsworth snarled. "I, for one, do not wish to torture him."

"I, for one, think a little Christmas cheer will do him some good." Belle said, drying the cookie sheet.

"The girls are right!" Lumiere exclaimed. "It is up to us to do something!"

"It's not our place to get involved!" Cogsworth protested against him and poked his nose. "No, no, no, NO! We just can't mind our own beeswax, can we? Just have to stick our wick where it doesn't belong."

Lumiere glared at him, then flamed Cogsworth against the tush slowly. Cogsworth reacted in alarm and shot straight up in the air and landed in a giant tub of sudsy water, nearly splashing Cherry. Cherry helped Cogsworth out as everybody laughed at him in the mess.

"Oh, humiliating..." Cogsworth mumbled.

"Come on Cogsworth, don't be such a Grinch in the holiday spirit!" Cherry placed him gently out of the tub and handed him a wash cloth.

"I think it's a wonderful idea." Mrs. Potts added.

"Yeah, so do I." Cogsworth sighed. "But the Master doesn't want it."

"It's not fair." Chip sighed.

"He's right. It's not fair!" Cherry whined with the glasses.

"Don't whine with the glasses, Cerise." Cogsworth crossed his arms.

"Sorry...." Cherry whined again while the glasses were silent.

"Look at us," Mrs. Potts looked around glumly as she was gently beside Chip. "Squabbling and bickering. Breaks my heart to see it, it does. And we used to be our very best at Christmas. Why, we used to prepare a feast for the entire castle."

"The feast's my favorite part." Cherry licked her lips as her gut suddenly growled.

"Ah, you could have some stuffed turkey." Lumiere added.

"Cranberry sauce." Belle smiled.

"Shortbread cookies!" Chip chimed.

"Mince pies," Lumiere grinned mischievously, watching Cogsworth, knowing his weakness. "And Christmas pudding!"

"Pudding?" Cogsworth asked with a hopeful look on his face. "With custard?"

"What do you think we are, barbarians?" Lumiere rhetorically asked. "Of course with custard! And raisins and brandy and all those things you like..."

Cogsworth groaned, there was no way he could back now though. He felt himself getting hungry already. "Oh.... Alright...." He gave in.

"Yes!" Chip cheered.

"Woot!" Cherry clapped her hands.

"But if the Master finds out about this, he will be furious! So everybody keep quiet." Cogsworth warned them all.

"Come on!" Lumiere called.

"What're we waiting for, Christmas?" Cherry rhetorically asked.

"Good Heavens, we don't have much time!" Cogsworth bit his lip. "We don't have much time, it's Christmas Eve!"

"I'll see to the dinner." Mrs. Potts said.

"I'll get some mistletoe." Lumiere held a leaf over Cherry's head and kissed her on the cheek, making her blush and giggle nervously.

"We need to brighten this place up." Belle said.

"Belle, I know someone who will help!" Lumiere led them out of the kitchen.

"Now, now, wait for me." Cogsworth said as he was alone. "I'm in charge here. I'm in charge." He then looked around to see he was indeed alone. "Wait for me!" He ran out to catch up with the others.

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