chapter 13: As Long As There's Christmas

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In the castle, Lumiere was leading Cherry, Belle, and Chip upstairs to the castle attic. Just like where a lot of people start preparing for Christmas. They were going up the long staircase which felt like brutal torture to those with legs and not being carried like Lumiere in Belle's hand.

"1,001, 1,002, 1,003..." Chip groaned. "Are we there yet?"

"Not yet." Belle replied.

"Boy, there sure are a lot of stairs here..." Chip groaned.

"Yeah," Cherry panted. "Couldn't they have put an elevator when they built this place?"

"Cerise, that's silly, who would put an elevator in a castle?" Belle laughed.

Cherry grunted and panted as she followed the others upstairs. They finally made it to the top and Belle and Cherry looked around to see if they could find who Lumiere was telling them about.

"Hello? Hello!" Belle called as some ornaments came to life and Cherry noticed.

"Do not be afraid, mesame!" Lumiere greeted with a warm smile. "It is I, Lumiere. We have come to pay you a little visit."

Cherry and Chip turned to a box as they heard it creak open. They saw an angel wearing a glittery blue dress with a halo, short golden blonde hair with a halo and tiny wings on her back. Her skin looked white as chalk. Her appearance made Chip hide behind Cherry's legs and look back nervously.

"Lumiere?" the angel sounded happy to see her friends again.

"Angelique!" Lumiere smiled.

"Ah, Lumiere, finally!" Angelique came out of the chest with the other ornaments as she flew toward Lumiere on the attic floor. "I thought we were to be locked away in this dusty attic forever!"

"Ah Angelique..." Lumiere took Angelique and swayed her much to Cherry's discomfort. "Your eyes are still lovely after all these years..."

"Lumiere, please!" Angelique shoved the candelabra away. "You'll tarnish the halo!"

Belle cleared her throat so she and Cherry could be noticed.

"Oh yeah..." Lumiere showed the angel the girls. "These are Belle and Cerise, our guests."

"Hello Cerise and Belle!" one of the ornaments called out of the blue.

"Pleased to meet you." Belle smiled.

"I guess..." Cherry shrugged with her hands in her pockets. "Maybe I should've stayed downstairs."

"And this is Angelique," Lumiere put his arms to show her. "She is the castle decorator."

"You mean WAS the castle decorator!" Angelique huffed. "I am not responsible for this Baroque atrocity! When I was in charge, the castle was full of light and beauty."

"And that is why we have come," Lumiere told her. "Gather around, mes enfants. We are planning the greatest Christmas celebration ever!"

All of the ornaments cheered, except for Angelique. She looked just as sour as ever. "No! Stop!"

"What is it, Cherie?" Lumiere came close to Angelique in concern.

"Why do you raise my hopes?" Angelique hissed, then her eyes widened. "I mean, THEIR hopes, only to have them dashed? Well... No more!" Angelique got the other ornaments to follow her back to remain the shadows.

"But it's Christmas Eve," Cherry said, even though she was supposed to be against the celebration. "Without you we'll never get the castle decorated in time."

"Ha!" Angelique scoffed. "Christmas... I refuse to hope for it anymore. I will not be disappointed again."

"But this is supposed to be the greatest celebration ever!" Lumiere took her hands without flame. "We can't do it without you."

Cherry in Beauty and the BeastOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora