chapter 29: Working Together

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Cherry and the others organized all they could for Mrs. Potts' party as the storm grew worse and worse by the minute outside. Fife and Lumiere were in the music room with Concertina the accordion and Tubaloo the tuba. Fife was a little too delicate to give orders to compose under the impression of his former mentor.

"Guys, take it easy a little... umm..." Fife was too spineless to show total control. "Oh dear... This never happened before!"

"Give me that, you foolish flute!" Lumiere snatched the baton from the piccolo.

"Oh, dear..." Fife squeaked.

"Allow me to take control, you rest. As of now, I am the maestro around here." Lumiere then swung the baton and made the tuba and accordion play louder and properly, much to the dismay of Fife's teachings. Lumiere had to stop once the instruments sounded flat and broken. "Concertina, that's a sharp in measure four. Tubaloo, let's try an octave." Lumiere scolded.

"Right." Tubaloo replied in his deep voice.

Concertina grunted in pain from excessive playing. "Maestro, I could use a break..." he whined. "These lively French melodies are murder."

"WHAT!" Lumiere barked at him. "I'll give you a break when you play it right!"

"I was wrong, this is just like before." Fife mumbled to himself.

That was when Cherry, Chip, and Cogsworth came in to check upon things.

"What was that infernal racket?" Cogsworth demanded.

"I thought the music would be quieter after you know what happened..." Cherry said, sounding a little sad, but annoyed at the same time.

"I'm surprised you don't recognize the work of Maestro Michel Delalande," Lumiere said, slyly.

"I thought the circus had come to town." Chip joked.

Cogsworth and Cherry couldn't help but laugh at that.

"Good one." Cherry giggled.

"Well said, lad," Cogsworth put an arm around the teacup. "Dreadful piece. Completely inappropriate."

"You, I suppose, have something better?" Lumiere challenged.

"Guys, I'm the new conductor, Belle and the Master said so!" Fife whined.

"As a matter of fact, Fife, I shall be composing an original symphony for the event." Cogsworth replied, then bumped Lumiere out from behind the maestro podium. "An opus of sorts, what do you think?"

"I think you're wound up a little too tight." Lumiere snarled.

"Be that as it may," Cogsworth glared at him, then glanced at the tuba and the accordian. "Tubaloo and Concertina have already agreed to preform my piece."

The respective tuba and accordian nodded in agreement.

"Well Cogsworth did approach us first, Lumiere." Concertina replied.

"But we made no promise to him exclusively." Tubaloo added, then sang. "We can play for both of you."

"Oh, man, this is worst than last time!" Fife whined, then turned to Cherry. "Hey, didn't you say you played the recorder when you were in school?"

"Me? Play an instrument? Nope, doesn't ring a bell." Cherry said quickly.

"Maestro would give you music lessons when you'd spend some time with him," Chip pointed out. "I could hear squeaking that wasn't from Fife from the kitchen! You sounded like you were playing a dog whistle!"

Cherry in Beauty and the Beastحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن