chapter 24: Letter of Apology

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Cherry and Belle stayed in their room. Belle tucked Cherry in the bed to help her heal and be there in case she needed anything. Belle passed most of the time reading her new book, Cinderella. Belle had told Cogsworth she and Cherry won't be coming out of the room because of the Beast's unruly behavior. Belle then went to sleep as Cherry kept resting throughout the night.

Cherry also often had night terrors of Maestro Forte, but since Belle was there with her, the nightmares seemed to rarely come. Cherry then woke up as the bright winter sun cast through the windows.

"Morning, any nigtmares?" Belle asked casually.

"Not this time," Cherry replied, sitting up in the bed with a smile. "Merci beaucop for staying with me."

"You're quite welcome." Belle giggled at her gratuitous French.

"How long have you been here?"

"I haven't left since I brought you here last night after dinner with the Beast. How does your cut feel?"

Cherry rubbed her scarred cheek and the blood seemed to have stopped leaking. "I guess I'm better."

"Good, I was very worried about you, Cerise."

"So was I," Madame Armoire said, looking down at the poor girl. "You're still quite brave to take that strike to the cheek without crying."

"I've been through worse." Cherry replied.

"Who does the Beast think he is?" Belle sighed. "He acts worse than Gaston!"

There was then a knock at the door.

"Maybe that's the Beast coming for an apology." Cherry said, hopefully, gripping the top of the duvet.

Belle's eyes lit up and she went to the door, hoping Cherry was right. She rushed to the door and tied the bow in her hair tighter and took a deep breath. She really loved the Beast and she hoped she could get him to be pleasant with her back so they could become a couple. Belle brushed some of her hair back and opened the doors, but there was no Beast behind them.

"Down here." Cogsworth's voice said.

Belle looked down to see the mantel clock and candelabra.

"You want me to apologize to him?" Belle asked them, as though she knew why they had come as she walked toward Cherry. Belle then looked down solemnly. "I suppose I do owe him an apology. For calling him rude, I mean."

"That's a good idea." Cherry replied.

"So, you'll do it?" Cogsworth asked Belle, hopefully.

"Yes," Belle answered. "Right after he apologizes to me first."

Lumiere and Cogsworth shrugged, unsure how to handle the situation. They then left Belle to her privacy as Cherry followed them. She felt well enough to walk again, so she went with the boys to cook up a way to get Belle and the Beast back together.

"This must be put delicately." Lumiere said as they pondered the situation.

"Leave it to me." Cogsworth said.

Cherry shivered as they went on into the Beast's room. She turned to see the shattered remains of Maestro Forte. It was very emotionally scarring for a child Cherry's age to witness and see such a horrible fate. Cherry walked over gently and looked down at the broken pipe organ. She picked up a piece of his paper sheet music with a sad sigh.

"Cerise, get away from there." Lumiere told her sharply.

Cherry looked back at him, put the paper down and followed the mantel clock and candelabra back into the Beast's room. The three of them looked up at the Beast as Cogsworth tried to tell the Beast what Belle told them.

Cherry in Beauty and the BeastWhere stories live. Discover now