chapter 38: Kill the Beast

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Cherry decided to stay with Belle and Maurice to make sure he would get good health and would be alright. Maurice slowly opened his eyes and saw the girls.

"Belle... Cerise..." he gently moaned.

"Shh, it's alright Papa, I'm home." Belle said as Cherry placed the compress against Maurice's forehead.

"It's going to be okay, sir." Cherry added.

"I thought I'd never see you again." Maurice squeezed his daughter's hand.

"I'm gonna let my parents know I'm home, okay?" Cherry said.

"Okay Cerise." Belle smiled.

"But the Beast!" Maurice stopped her. "How did you two escape?"

"We didn't escape, Papa," Belle replied. "He let us go."

"That horrible beast?" Maurice asked with disbelief.

"He's different now, sir," Cherry told him. "It's like he changed. I have to go now, get well soon and-" Cherry turned to Belle's bag and saw it jumping around.

The bag then fell to the side and opened up to reveal Chip spinning and sliding on the enchanted mirror. The teacup shook his head and looked at Cherry, Belle and Maurice. "Hi!" he smiled.

"Oh, a stowaway." Belle laughed.

"Well, hello there, little one!" Maurice held Chip in his hand. "Didn't think I'd see you again."

"Belle, Cerise, why'd you go away?" Chip asked, looking at the girls. "Don't you like us anymore?"

"Oh, Chip, of course we do," Cherry smiled. "It's just that-" There was then a knock at the door.

Belle went downstairs and answered the door while Chip stayed upstairs with Maurice. Cherry did too but she grew concerned and went downstairs after her new friend. Belle opened the door to see Monsieur D'Arque, he was the village asylum owner. He looked more insane than most of his clients.

"May I help you?" Belle replied.

"I've come to collect your father." D'Arque said, looking at him.

"My father?" Belle raised a brow.

"Her father?" Cherry asked.

"Don't worry, mademoiselle. We'll take good care of him." D'Arque stepped aside show his carriage that said: Asylum of Loons.

"Her father's not crazy!" Cherry said in protest.

"Cherry!" two voices said.

Cherry recognized them in an instant. "Mom! Dad!" Cherry rushed over to her parents and held them for the first time in months.

"Oh Cherry, we were so worried." Bud squeezed his daughter.

"Maurice told us you were at a castle with Belle!" Michelle added.

"My father's not crazy!" Belle yelled at the asylum owner.

"He was raving like a lunatic!" LeFou laughed as he held a torch. "We all heard him, didn't we?"

Everyone chattered and nodded in agreement with the small man.

"No, I won't let you!" Belle shouted as two men tried to get Maurice.

"There was really a beast, Mom!" Cherry cried, then coughed a little.

"Are you okay, honey?" Michelle asked with concern.

"I got a cold while I was with Belle and the Beast." Cherry explained.

"Belle?" Maurice poked his head out.

Cherry in Beauty and the BeastWhere stories live. Discover now