chapter 35: Human Again

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Cogsworth gathered all of the servants, even Cherry to the foyer as he stood on top of Sultan. He called for an emergency meeting.

"Right then, you know why you're here!" he called sharply. "We have exactly 12 hours, 26 minutes, and 15 seconds to make this the most romantic atmosphere known to man or beast!" he gave a small chuckle to his joke.

"Does anyone else hear crickets?" Cherry jerked her head around as it grew silent.

Cogsworth sighed and went to the table which had the enchanted rose, still in bloom but not very bountiful as it used to be. "Need I remind you that if the last petal falls from this rose, the spell will never be broken." Cogsworth accidentally caused pressure to make the rose nearly fall off the table.

Everyone looked with sheer fright as it fell off the table and Cherry dashed and slid across the floor, catching the jar just before it shattered. Everyone then let out a sigh of relief.

"Very well," Cogsworth sighed. "You all know your assignments. Half of you to the West Wing, half of you to the East Wing, and the rest of you, come with me!"

The objects and Cherry walked off and Cogsworth fell down the stairs as Sultan joined in the scatter. Lumiere helped him up as he lost some gears.

"Lighten up, Mr. Cogsworth." Cherry told him.

"Yeah, let nature take its course." Lumiere added, helping him.

"It's obvious there's a spark between them." Mrs. Potts added.

"Yeah, but there's no harm in fanning in flames," Cogsworth pulled himself together. "You know, a little. Besides, they must fall in love tonight if we expect to be human again."

"Ah, human again." Lumiere sighed.

"Human again." Mrs. Potts sighed.

"Yes, think what that means." Lumiere made the hands on Cogsworth's face go to 12:00, making him chime.

Cogsworth groaned and put it to the right time.

Lumiere: I'll be cooking again, be good-looking again
With a mademoiselle on each arm
When I'm human again, only human again
Poised and polished and gleaming with charm
I'll be courting again, chic and sporting again!

Mrs. Potts: Which should cause several husbands alarm!

Lumiere: I'll hop down from this shelf
And toot sweet be myself!

All: I can't wait to be human again

Cherry checked in the East Wing to see the servants cleaning and preparing Belle and hers room. There brushed, sweeped, polished and dusted.

Servants: When we're human again, only human again
When we're knickknacks and what-nots no more!
When we're human again, good and human again!

Madame Armoire leaned as she spotted Cherry with a delightful smile and cleaned herself up a little.

Armorie: Ah, Cherie! Won't it all be top drawer?
I'll wear lipstick and rogue and I won't be so huge
Why, I'll easily fit through that door!
I'll exude savior faire!
I'll wear gowns I'll have hair!
It's my prayer to be human again!

Cherry walked outside to the horse stables with a wooden bucket for Belle's horse, Philippe while Mrs. Potts and Cogsworth stood on a fence looking like the American Gothic couple.

Both: When we're human again, only human again
When the world once more starts making sense!

Cogsworth: I'll unwind for a change

Lumiere: Really? That'd be strange!

Cogsworth: Can I help it if I'm tense?
In a shack by the sea, I'll sit back sipping tea
Let my early retirement commence!
Far from fools made of wax, I'll get down to brass tacks and RELAX!

All: When I'm human again!

Cherry giggled when Lumiere slapped him on the behind with a rolled up towel.

All: So sweep the dust from the floor, let's let some light in the room!
I can feel, I can tell someone might break the spell any day now!
Shine up the brass on the door!
Alert the dust pail and broom!
If it all goes as planned, our time may be at hand any day now!

Cherry went for the windows.

Cherry: Open the shutters and let in some air!

Mrs. Potts: Put these here and put those over there!

All: Sweep up the tears, the sadness and tears, and throw them away!

Shovels pushed Cogsworth as dirt got on him and Cherry wandered all around the castle cheerfully. She then stopped as she ran into the little piccolo, Fife.

"He promised me a solo," Fife stared at the music room door. "He said if I helped get rid of Belle, he'd give me a solo."

"Who, Forte?" Cherry asked.

Fife nodded. "I feel really guilty..."

"Oh Fife, don't beat yourself up like that..." Cherry knelt and patted him on the head as everyone else continued to sing happily about being human again.

"He was like a mentor to me... But now he's gone."

"If it's anyone's fault, it's mine." Cherry stood all the way up. "I was acting like a little brat and getting dark and gloomy because of him! Come on Fife, I'm sure Belle and the Beast will forgive you."

"I don't know, Cerise..."

"I'm sure it'll be fine, let's check on them, huh?"

"I guess..."

Cherry and Fife left and went to the library to see Belle reading Romeo and Juliet to the Beast. He looked captivated by her as she read aloud and gently closed the book.

"Could you read it again?" the Beast requested.

"Well here," Belle handed the book with a smile. "Why don't you read it to me?"

"Uh... alright..." the Beast nervously opened the book. "I can't..."

"You mean you never learned?"

"I learned.... a little... It's just that it's been so long..."

"Well here, I'll help you," Belle turned her head and noticed the younger girl and the piccolo. "Cerise, Fife, hello there!"

"Hey Belle..." Cherry walked over with Fife hopping behind her. "There's someone here for you."

"Fife?" the Beast glanced at him.

"I came to say sorry for helping Maestro Forte in the whole Christmas mess..." Fife looked down with guilt. "I really am, sir. If you want to punish me, I understand."

The Beast furrowed his eyebrows at the piccolo, but then his expression softened as he could tell Fife was serious. He then smiled. "It's okay... Hey Fife?"


"Since the castle doesn't have a court composer anymore... Why don't you take it over?"

"Really Master?" Fife's eyes lit up with a smile.

"I mean it." the Beast smiled.

"Oh, thank you, Master!" Fife giggled.

"I'm sorry too." Cherry added.

"That's alright, Cerise, we understand."

"We'll let you two read now, okay?"

"Okay, see you later tonight."

Cherry and Fife left and Belle and the Beast smiled at each other. Belle gave him a kiss on the cheek, very proud that he didn't release any anger toward Fife or Cherry. He had indeed changed since Belle and Cherry had come to the castle.

Cherry in Beauty and the BeastWhere stories live. Discover now