chapter 26: Babette's Folly

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Cherry and Belle walked along the grounds together. Belle was reflecting on her relationship with the Beast and how she was ignored when she lived in the village. All the other girls thought she was strange, the men thought she was beautiful, but very, very odd. Cherry helped Belle as they walked along.

Cherry carried seeds and nuts as Belle took the food out. She fed the birds and squirrels as they came after a while of winter. The winter season was slowly dying and spring was afoot. Cherry giggled as the squirrels ate the nuts from her palm.

The girls were so kind and caring, the Beast felt guilty once he watched them. Cherry and Belle walked along as the birds flew to the bare tree branches and the squirrels climbed back up to enjoy their lunch. Belle touched the tree with a sigh as the snowflakes delicately fluffed down.

The Beast came out to see Belle. He looked at her and she looked back as they stared each other with content. The birds, squirrels and Cherry all looked at each other like they wanted the couple to get back together. Belle and the Beast walked toward each other, still quietly.

After that, Belle and the Beast were together again. They decided to meet by the fireplace and let Belle read aloud to him again. He just loved it when she read to him. They shared a walk together. Cherry ran with them all around having childlike wonder again. Belle and the Beast smiled at her, then looked at each other.

That night then ended and another started. It was seemingly normal day at the castle. Cherry and LePlume walked together, then they saw Babette, the feather duster, looking rather frantic. She kept dusting all around the place, much more than usual or needed.

"Mademoiselle, are you alright?" LePlume asked her.

"Maybe she has a fever." Cherry shrugged.

"She does seem dizzy, doesn't she?" LePlume wondered.

"Some things are not always what they seem," Babette turned to them with a giggle as she finished dusting a little table. "For I, am dizzy with love."

Cherry cupped her mouth and nose as Babette continued to dust all around. LePlume caught some up his nose and was about to sneeze.

"This dusting is a dirty, job, no?" Babette added. "But someone must do it."

"Come on, Babette, my girl," Cogsworth walked inside the room. "Time for the essence. We must have this room-"

LaPlume then sneezed from the large amount of dust and sneezed ink all over Cherry and Cogsworth.

"Spotless." Cogsworth mumbled as he got ink over himself, then he glanced at Cherry. "Well Cerise, I suppose it's about time you had another bath."

Cherry groaned, then Cogsworth left the room as she tried to clean herself. Belle watched the mantel clock leave, then walk inside the room to check on things with everybody.

"Madam?" Babette called to Belle.

Belle noticed Babette and smiled at her.

"Do you know what day tomorrow is?" Babette asked her.

"Well, I know it's not December 24th..." Cherry thought, remembering this was how the whole Christmas fiasco started.

"Uh, Saturday?" Belle guessed.

"A Saturday unlike any other," Babette replied as she dusted an immobile clock and journel on the table. "For it is the fifth anniversary of my first date with mon cher, Lumiere, the light of my life. But, I have a problem. He surely has marvelous plans for our evening."

"Well, surely." Belle responded.

"Perhaps I should dye my feathers." Babette wondered, looking down at feather duster self. "No doubt he'll take me for a moonlight serenade. Or perhaps a quiet, yet, elegant dinner for two. What do you think, mademoiselles?" she asked Belle and Cherry.

Cherry in Beauty and the BeastWhere stories live. Discover now