chapter 8: Bedtime with Maestro Forte

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Cherry stepped forward, the light from the daft window with torn curtains showed the moon glowing. The light was enough to illuminate Cherry's face as she looked way up at the giant pipe organ looking down at her. At least, she thought he was looking at her. It looked as if he had no eyes, just giant holes in his "face". They seemed bigger and dewy with fright as Cherry spotted wolves with glowing yellow eyes rush out in the forest where her new friend was.

"Ah, you must be the adorable little girl I've spoken to..."

"Umm... Sure..." Cherry was never really social when it came to her looks. She never liked her appearance, even though a lot of adults had called her adorable and beautiful. "Who are you?"

"I am Maestro Forte, court composer and your most humble servant..." the organ smiled at her.

"GET OUT!" a sharp voice called outside the music room.

"Oh dear..." Cherry gulped, hearing the Beast in a horrible mood.

"Now, now...." Forte closed the door using green laser sheet music while Cherry cupped her mouth and looked back at Forte with her big brown puppy-like eyes. "It's best not to be with Master Adam when he is in a bad mood. Why don't you have a seat?"

"Okay..." Cherry found a giant chair which probably belonged to the Beast. She pushed it against the organ, climbed onto the chair and rested her arms and kicked her legs back and forth. She looked back around the organ. "Are you a piano?"

"I'm actually a pipe organ," Forte corrected. "Major difference, my dear. Do you play piano or organ?"

"My mother played the organ for her church when she was a kid," Cherry shrugged. "I've wanted to play myself, but I don't know anyone good enough to give me lessons."

"Why don't I help you, Cerise?" Forte smirked. He had a fascination in her, but Cherry didn't realize it. "I used to give lessons all the time, I once had an apprentice named Reuben Fife, but after he grew up he felt like he didn't need me anymore."

"I am sorry, Mr. Forte..." Cherry looked back up at him.

"Please, call me Maestro. It makes me feel professional."

"I'm sorry, Maestro." Cherry pushed her glasses back.

Forte chuckled at her. "You're so cute when you try to speak French. Do you know anything French on your own?"

"Do french fries count?" Cherry sheepishly asked.

"Non," Forte shook his head. "But you're trying, I respect that."

"The Master has returned!" a voice called from behind the doors.

"Oh, he must be bleeding!" another voice gasped.

"Mrs. Potts, get some hot water, I need to take care of him," Belle's voice called.

Cherry jumped from the chair and rushed out, opening the door. She saw indeed that Belle and the Beast have survived the wolf battle.

"Belle!" Cherry gasped with delight that her friend was still alive.

"Belle..." Forte snorted in disgust. "What makes her so special? Cerise! Where are you going?" Forte could sense Cherry leaving as she opened the door wider.

"I need to check on my friend, I'll be back though!" Cherry rushed out, leaving the organ alone in his dark, cold room.

"You had better be back..." Forte glared harshly as she left, but once she was out of ear and eye shot, his mood softened. "You delicious little crêpe...."

Cherry met Belle and the others in the den of the castle. Belle had her hair down as she lost her favorite ribbon back outside the forest. She took a damp cloth out from the tub filled with steamy water Mrs. Potts provided and was about to apply it on the Beast's wounded arm.

Cherry in Beauty and the BeastWhere stories live. Discover now