chapter 27: Happy Anniversary

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Cherry read most of the books in the library, but found herself bored instantly since she had already read most of the books already. She then decided maybe she could make up her own story. She had always wanted to make stories, but she often drew. She never wrote wrote stories. She then decided to do some writing on the adventure she's been having at the castle keep herself busy during her time with Belle.

She wrote of their first experience meeting each other. Belle and Cherry were instant friends, Cherry met a real monster, who ironically wasn't the Beast. She was referring to that village idiot, Gaston. Cherry also met Belle's father, Maurice, the village inventor. Cherry then felt deep in her heart and stomach with twinges, wondering how Maurice was holding up back home.

Cherry even then thought of her parents. She felt homesick, so she made the stories about them brief and went on about the castle. She told stories of all the enchanted objects she met, from Madame Armoire to Chef Le Bouche. Cherry even mentioned that tomorrow was the anniversary for Babette and Lumiere, and decided to stop from there since she wrote about the stories before today already.

Cherry then took a break and put the papers she used together in a folder, then walked out of the study. She happily looked about the window as Belle and Lumiere were talking about romantic topics so Lumiere would be ready for tomorrow. Eventually, Belle and Lumiere came back, and Cherry was excited to hear all about it for her story and for the festivities.

Belle sat at the castle study table and had a quill in hand and paper in front of her all ready to go. "Now, you must tell me how you are honestly feeling about her." Belle told the candelabra.

"I-I was... Sh-she was..." Lumiere stammered, nervously. "We.... We were... I cannot!" he gave in.

"You can." Cherry urged.

"Or perhaps it would be easier if you pretend that I am Babette." Belle offered.

"She has no shame!" a voice called.

Cherry turned and saw Babette looking crossed. Cherry's eyes widened and she rushed to the feather duster maid.

"Babette, you should go, this room is kind of private now." Cherry said, nervously.

"I know exactly what is going on!" Babette snapped at her.

"You do?" Cherry cringed. "Oh, dear, I was afraid of that!"

"You know what's going on too?" Babette raised an eyebrow.

"Yes, I knew for a while, that's why I left them alone. We wanted to surprise you tomorrow." Cherry said, swallowing hard.

"I cannot believe this!" Babette fumed.

"Hey, you don't have to be mad. I think it's sweet."

"SWEET!? How can something like this be sweet?"

"Because, Lumiere means it, he just has a hard time doing it because he loves you."

"Oh, Cerise, you have got a lot to learn in this world. You are young, yes, but you must understand, I won't stand for this nonsense!"

"So, umm... What're you gonna do?" Cherry asked, feeling like she and Babette were talking about two completely different things.

"I blame the enchantress, she has changed all of us in the different and strangest ways!" Babette hissed, then sighed. "Her evil power is too great for my beloved."

"Babette, I think you're misunderstanding." Cherry said, trying to reach out a helping hand.

"No, I need to go." Babette sniffled, then ran away sobbing.

Cherry in Beauty and the BeastWhere stories live. Discover now