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*Richies POV
I never went to get the ice, I didn't need it.

"Mr Tozier?" Every head looks in my direction. "Oh" the teacher says softly. "I'm sorry but you need to go to the office after class. Stanley and I sit beside each other now so he nudges my side. I make a pained sound. He lifts my hand off of my side and lifts my shirt up. "Richie what happened?" He whispered standing up since I was out the whole class period. "Bowers." I fumbled with my fingers forgetting how nice my nails looked.

(Not everything that happens in Eddies POV will be exact with Richies I don't feel like getting the correct wording of their conversation)

*Eddies POV
Bowers lays on the ground, out cold. Another fight I guess. Walking into the bathroom I'm startled by a boy. A very tall one, laying on the ground, groaning in pain. My instinct to help kicks in. "Are you okay." I sit on my knees beside him looking at his face and knuckles. "No does it look like it." He talks back, in pain.

I grab his hand and place it face down on my palm. Examining his knuckles that are slowly turning black and blue. I grab my fanny pack which is around my waist. Sitting his hand on my thigh to get the bandages. His face turns a bit pink. He is kind of cute not gonna lie. Finally I get the bandages around his knuckles. "Where else." Soon realizing his hand gripping his side.

"Sit up please." He groans in pain and sits against the wall. Lifting his shirt a little I see a giant bruise. I look back up and his eye is already black. "Take your glasses off." He does what I say and hands them to me. I cup his face in my hands and rub my finger over his cheek which is already a dark color. He pulls his head back a bit. "I'm sorry." I whisper. Grabbing a couple paper towels and wetting them. Cleaning up the dry blood from his face and to wipe his eye a bit.

"I'm done. You need ice for your eye and side." I hold out a hand and help him up. A painful look sketched onto his face. "I would go but I can't see." "Oh sorry" I chuckle, putting his glasses onto the bridge of his nose, leaving my hands on his cheeks. His dark brown eyes put me in a trance. His freckles scattered. He finally grips my forearm softly. "I have to go." "Oh yeah, go get ice for that." He leaves the bathroom and I clean up the trash left on the floor from the bandages. A bit of heat left on my face. With a slight smile too.

Finally I leave the bathroom and go to my class, I spent the whole class period helping the boy. "Mr Kaspbrak, where were you!" My heart skips a beat. "I-I was helping a student h-he got into a fight and-" "No excuses, detention tomorrow." My mood dropped. I sit down and a girl taps my shoulder. "Hey did that boy have glasses and really messy but curly hair?" "Yeah why?" I feel annoyed already. "Oh, that's my best friend Richie."

She pulls her phone out as we are dismissed. "Hey could I get his number?" "Oohhh Kaspbrak flirting." I don't even know the girl very well and she's already assuming. "No I just wanna make sure he's okay later." "Oh okay, here's mine too." She hands me a paper with her number and 'Richies' number.

Word count:606
Well idk what to say about this part, it isn't my favorite but it's an okay part.

"I Don't Need Help" //Reddie AU Where stories live. Discover now