33). Please Don't Listen to Me

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*Richies POV
We continue walking down the street, Eddie talks up a storm. We're all happy he's talking again. "Where do you wanna go Eddie?" Mike asks smiling, he's always smiling. "I don't know. Maybe ice cream?!"

His eyes glow with happiness like he's forgotten about the night before.

"Sure, I've wanted some ice cream for a bit." Stanley agrees. We all start to the ice cream shop. Eddies arm intertwined with mine, not our hands. Like we're dancing.

*Eddies POV
I intertwine my arm with Richies, wishing I could hold his hand. The closest I'll ever get to him is when he holds me when I sleep. His warmth give me strength to do any simple task.

We reach the ice cream shop. "Hi how are you guys? What can I get for you?" The cashier smiles, he's kind of cute. His golden curls underneath his hat, his light blue eyes look me up and down, making me blush.

Richie stops in his tracks. His arm goes limp letting my arm fall to my side. His body tenses up as he looks to the ground. My smile fades as his face droops into a mix of emotions. Anger, confusion and mostly sadness.

*Richies POV
"Are you okay?" He squeezes my arm. Yanking my arm away from his hand, I sit down at a table, closest to the door and near a window. He slowly makes his way to the table. "Hey Richie... did I do something wrong?" His voice still a bit hoarse.

I shake my head no, soon putting my head on the table. A tear sliding down my eye onto the table. Eddie puts his hand on my head, playing with my loose but messy curls. I'm guessing he sees my breathing hitch, he pulls me up and out of the ice cream shop.

"Richie come on, talk to me." My eyes wander above his head like I can't see him. "Richie I'm for real." My hands by my side, soon held by his. I look down, his thumbs going over my knuckles which are healed.

*Eddies POV
"I-He- He's my ex." Richie sniffles. My heart breaks as he cries, my heart completely breaks in half knowing what he's about to say. "I-I miss him Eddie." He sobs. He puts his head on the crook of my neck, I hug him close.

"Oh okay, maybe you could talk to him."

I don't wanna give him advice to get him back. Don't listen to me, please.

"I don't know what to talk about." We sit on a bench in front of the ice cream shop. My hand on his knee.

I like you, but you like him.

"Maybe just...just tell him you miss him, or ask to get back together?"

please don't

"Thank you Eddie." He smiles putting his hand on mine.

I wish I didn't say that.

"You're welcome 'Chee." I smile and go back into the shop. "I can tell you like him, I'm sorry Eddie." Stanley surprises me in that sentence, he's not wrong. "What can I get you?" He glances at me.

"Birthday cake please." I semi smile back. "Here you go."

We all go outside to eat the ice cream since there's so many of us. "I'll be right back." Richie hands me his ice cream and walks back into the parlor.

*Richies POV
Walking back into the parlor my heart starts to explode. "Hey Connor can we talk?" I smile at him as I stand at the counter. "Sure I'm about to leave now, let's go sit down." He smiles.

"I Don't Need Help" //Reddie AU Where stories live. Discover now