48). Squeals

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*Eddies POV
Mike being the strongest one out of all of us picks Richies almost limp body up. No teacher stops us. We just leave.

Something I've forgotten about is my asthma. I start to hyperventilate, my throat closes up. My fingers violently shake trying to get into my fanny pack. Stanley finally gets it open handing my my inhaler. Finally I can breathe again.

*in the car*
Just like when Patrick stabbed Richie he laid in the back. Instead of Stanley, I sit with him. He groans as he opens his eyes. His eyes are already swollen. One side of his glasses shattered, I take them off. "Are you okay?" "Nah not really but I'm here with you- I mean I'm here and alive." I smile at the first part.

Finally we get back to his home. "Come on R-Richie." Putting him on both Mike and Bills shoulders they basically carry him inside.

*Time Skip bc I have writers block tehe*
Richies head lays in my lap. "I made an appointment for you to get new glasses tomorrow." I ruffle his hair. Everyone sits in the living room, they are all focused on the tv. "Thank you spaghetti." "Not my favorite but it's better than Eds" "you know you love when I call you Eds." He sits up a bit.

Drunk me is a very bad secret keeper. "Why, do you like me?" He jokes after I ask if he likes anyone. Clearly drunk I try to spill my own secret. "Yes" I whisper.

Stanley covers my mouth with his hand. We're the only two with common sense but that question sobered him up enough to build it back up.

"Shhhh Eddie." He slurs his words before pulling his hand away. "Okay." I don't feel like arguing tonight. I thought.

*Flashback end*

"No no I don't." "Ha s-sure." Bills attention from the tv wears off. "Oh hush Bill." "Eddie don't lie to your self, you know you want this." "HA" Richie's face fills with sarcasm and sadness. "I'm sorry 'Chee, but no I do not."

I hope that lie is believable.

Stanley sits silent until someone notices. "Stanley, you're very silent, do you know?" Beverlys raises her eyebrows. His eyes flash, widening quickly. "N-nope." He tries to stand up, Bill pulls him back down. "I-I'll tickle y-you if you d-don't tell us." "You mother-" We all laugh at Stanley's squeals.

"Please-Please Bill!" He stops. "Are you gonna tell us?" "He- He doesn't!!" "P-Promise?" "I don't do promises remember." "Oh y-yeah, fine I b-believe you." Bill sits beside Stanley. "I still don't believe you Stanley." Ben laughs.

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