54). Milkshakes ans Kisses. The end

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Regular italics: Eddies Thoughts
Italics with underline: Richies Thoughts

Soon the boys were off, walking in the dark around 10:50 pm. "Should we ask Bill and Stanley to come?" "Nah you owe the milkshake to me not them." "True."

Later they make it to the diner.

11:20 pm
"I'll have one chocolate shake and vanilla one please Micycle." "Coming right up." He shakes his head and walks back to make it. "You never told me who you like 'Chee." "First of all; why are we remembering stuff from months ago and secondly; why do you care, do you like me?" He joked looking over his glasses and wiggling his eyebrows at Eddie.

Yes yes I do.

I hope he does.

"No I don't, I like someone else." Eddie tried his best to lie. Somehow Richie didn't catch onto it.

I like you Chee.

Oh, he likes someone else.

"Why the long face? Do you like me?" "N-no I- No!" Richies hand slap the table which makes Eddie wheeze. "Don't laugh at me, I'm sensitive!" He slaps the table again knowing it would make Eddie laugh harder.

Both boys laughed a lot, both noticed that when the other laughs hard they throw their heads back.

Eddie was soon threw into a laughing fit, making Richie giggle. "You- you need to stop doing that." He catches his breath as Mike brings the milkshakes. "Thank you kind sir." "You're welcome Richie." He rolls his eyes and pats Richies shoulder.

11:30 pm
"I don't understand why you waited so long for a milkshake." "They're the best." "Richie they can give you diabetes, and tooth decay and and-" "Who says I don't already have tooth decay." "EW! Richie, I can't believe Connor used to kiss you." "I'm joking, I'm joking."

Well then, I want you to kiss me.

I wanna kiss you

Both boys stare into each other's eyes until Eddie starts laughing. Richie had reached under the table to squeeze Eddies knee. Making his knee hit the top of the table. "Owwwww that hurt." He laughs as he rubs his knee.

"Oh I'm sorry spaghetti." Richie rubs Eddies knee and goes back to drinking his milkshake.

Richie grabs his phone, putting it on the table and turning it on. His lock screen a picture of Eddie that he took as Eddie ran after Richie, about to attack him. A blurry picture.

"Really? That had to be your lock screen? And why me?" "Yeah, why not do you not like it? You're spaghetti so why not" "I mean it's me so..." Eddie flips his hair. "Please don't do that ever again." Richie giggles, opening his phone.

11:45 pm
The boys pay and leave. Waving at Mike

Richie's home screen being a picture Stanley had taken secretly. The boys sitting knee to knee in front of each other. They were playing patty-cake, but this time they had stopped and laughed. Intertwining their fingers with each other. Stanley has used his bird watching camera to take the picture. It looks professional, he had put a filter on it.

Their grins big as they look into each other's eyes laughing. The sunset behind the two.

Oh wow, I've always loved that picture. It's framed on my wall. I don't think Richies ever noticed.

I love the picture of us.  A framed picture is beside my bedside table. And one taped onto my locker door. I don't think Eddies noticed yet.

"I like that picture." Eddie whispers. "So do I, it's my favorite one." They smile at each other. "Ok so hold on, what's your lock and home screen?" "Here."

Eddie puts his phone on the table. His lock screen a picture of the two in a hammock smiling at each other, taken by Stanley of course. "I didn't know he took that picture." "He did, he forgot to send it to you I guess. I didn't know until the next morning." "Ok so here's the home screen."

Eddies home screen is a picture of the two. Both passed out on the couch, the picture was his lock screen for a while but then he changed it.

"I guess we both decided on pictures of us." "I guess so." They both look out into the dark sky. "There's a star." Richie looks up quickly at where Eddie points. He's always been fascinated by stars, he's told Eddie lots of times.

"I knew you would wanna see it." He smiled in the darkness. "You do know me well." "Yeah, well I know it's been months but how's your side?" Eddie taps lightly at Richies side. "I honestly don't know, I don't ever look at it."

Richie changed a lot. Getting friends he's became a really nice person to most people. Not getting into a fight and about a couple months.

11:55 pm
"Here let me see." Richie holds his phone flashlight out as Eddie pulls his shirt up, putting his cold fingers on his side. "You're hands are cold!!!!" Richie squeals. As he does a light come on in a house. "Run Eddie run!" The boys start to bolt towards the way to their home.

Eddie basically moved in with him. Getting all of his stuff out of his mother's home a month later.

Richie grabs his hand.Intertwining their hands. Their hands completely different sizes, fitting perfectly together.

Eddie giggles as they finally get to their home. Eddies 'asthma' has improved, only needing an inhaler every once in a while. "I'm gonna change my clothes." Richie lets go of Eddies hand. "So am I."

11:58 pm
Both boys change into their pajamas. Richie wears his usual plaid pants without a shirt. Eddie wears his red shorts and a t-shirt he stole from Richie.

"Let's- Wait is that my t-shirt? I've been looking for that one! It's my favorite!" Richies arms go in the air. Eddie giggles, "It's mine now." He smiles handing Richie a t-shirt. "It's cold in here, and I don't wanna hear your complain later. "Neither do I to be honest."

12:00 am
Both boys sit on Eddies bed, watching tv covered up. "Oh! It's your birthday! Happy birthday Chee." Richie throws a arm around Eddie pulling him closer. "Thank you Eds." Eddie pulls away glaring at him.

I wanna kiss him

I want him, I want to kiss him so bad.

The boys stare into each other's eyes.

The tv muffles as they focus on each other.

I wanna make the move...

I wanna make the move, I don't wanna make him feel uncomfortable, he doesn't like me like that. I'm gonna do it.

Richies lips smash into Eddies. They hold their breath. "Do you remember when I said I liked someone?" Richie says breaking the kiss. "Yeah." Eddie kisses him again.

"It's you. I like you a lot." Eddie climbs onto Richie's lap, straddling his hips. "I like you too, I have since I met you." He says breathlessly as Richie sits up, kissing him through out his words.

Richies hands gently go around Eddies waist. "I've liked you for a little less than that, you're still perfect to me." Richie kisses his neck, jawline and collarbones.

(I promise this isn't what you think it is, I can't write stuff like that.)

Eddie giggles as Richie kisses his jawline. Finally Richie lays back down. Eddie still sits on his lap. His hands sit on Richies chest.

"Best Birthday ever." He smiles pushing Eddie off. Hovering over him. Kissing him once again. Once again his jawline, lips, collar bones and neck.

"Will you be mine?" "Of course I will." He smiles as they lay back down, falling asleep cuddling, watching tv.

Word count:1299
I hope you enjoyed this story, I have 3 other ones. Two Reddies and one Stanley U. X Reader. If you wanna read them.

Thank you 💕💕 -The author<3

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