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The sun was starting to set on the city of Chicago, as you watched the smoke from your cigarette dance around in the slight breeze your daughter came running into the backyard wearing a T-shirt that drowned her.

"Momma look what I found" she grinned pulling your attention to her.

You eyes went wide as you realised it was Jax's reaper crew shirt.

"Amber where did you find that" you breathed hoping she hadn't found the box under your bed.

"Under your bed momma along with other things" she grinned grabbing your hand and leading you to your room.

Seeing the contents of the box spilled out of the floor you had so many emotions bubbling away. Sighing as you sunk to the floor leaning against the bed, you ran your fingers over the items, a single tear rolling down your cheek

"C'mere baby" you sniffed opening your arms to you 6 year old daughter.

"What is this momma?" She asked as you picked a photo up off the floor.

You couldn't help but laugh a little. It was the night you guys had snuck out of the club just to go sit in a field and get high.

"Who is it?" Amber asked.

"This is me, your uncle ope, and an old friend" you said pointing everyone out.

"Why are your eyes red momma?" She asked.

"We had hayfever baby" you smirked you wasn't gonna tell a 6 year old you was high.

Every photo you had was of you and Jax, In fact everything in this box had something to do with the stupid blonde haired idiot. Going through the box with an excited 6 year old just broke your heart as you relived each memory as if it was yesterday.

It was now 7pm and Amber was fast asleep in her room, you had a constant reminder of Jax seen as Amber had the eyes and smirk of her father. You couldn't help yourself as you was sat back in front of the box.

You felt guilty for not telling Jax he had a daughter, you never even spoke about him around Amber. Tears were streaming down your face at this point as you held the shirt up to your nose. 6 years down the line and it still smelt like Jax.

It was in that moment you decided you was going home. You missed the club, missed your family and a secret needed to be told now matter how hard it would be.


You knew your piece of shit car wouldn't make the whole journey and it was proving it point now as steam billowed out of the engine as you and Amber sat on a rock as you pulled your phone out.

"Well if it isn't my little sis" Opie laughed.

"Alright d-i-c-k-head" you laughed.

"I'm assuming little one is around" he chuckled

"Yeah she is look Bro I need a favour, I was gonna surprise you but my piece of junk car broke down and I need a tow" you said

"Wait your in charming?" He asked.

"Yeah I'm by the field we always used to get high in" you laughed lighting your cigarette.

"Okay be there in 10" he said ending the call.

Within half an hour you was pulling into TM.

"Now baby if anyone asks your name what do you say?" You asked looking down at amber.

"Amber Winston-Teller" she grinned

"No baby, don't say Teller" you sighed as she nodded confusion all over her face.

"The secret is finally gonna be revealed?" Ope asked as he parked the truck.

"Yeah it's time he knew" you sighed.

"Thank god, 6 years is too long to keep a secret" he laughed "but he's gonna figure it out sis, she is like the female version of him"

"Don't you think I know that ope" you sighed swinging the door open before climbing out and helping Amber out. She was always nervous around new people so she clung to you with her little arms around your neck.

As soon as you slammed the door shut all eyes on you.

"Just play nice sis" ope whispered as the whole mc was walking your way.

"Has my daughter finally come home" dad grinned barging through everyone.

"Hey pops" you grinned placing Amber down on the floor so you could hug your dad "maybe I haven't decided yet"

"Well either way it's good to see you" he grinned turning to Amber who was smiling widely at him "now come give grandpa a hug"

Leaving dad to catch up with Amber, the lads instantly tackled you to the ground.

"Urgh get of me you idiots" you laughed but that soon changed as Jax walked outside, his eyes landing on you before his gaze moved to Amber who was now hanging off Opie's neck.

You couldn't read his expression, you knew the cogs were turning trying to piece things together as he walked over to group.

"So does this wee lass have a name?" Chibs asked.

"Amber" you smiled just hoping she didn't give the game away.

"No momma that's not my full name" she grinned.

You just wanted the ground to swallow you up right now.

"My name is Amber Winston-Teller" she grinned proudly

You was definitely fucked now, taking a deep breath you looked up to find all eyes on you but you felt Jax's glare burning into your sole.

"Did I just hear her right, her surname is Winston-Teller" Jax shouted as Piney took Amber inside. "How old is she?"

"Yeah" you mumbled. "She's 6"

"You mean I've had a daughter for 6 fucking years!" He spat poking you in the shoulder before turning to Opie "so much for a friend aye to keep this from me"

"Jax" you breathed reaching out for his arm but he pulled away from you before climbing on his bike, speeding out of the lot.

"It's probably best you let him cool off sis" Opie whispered pulling you into a hug

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