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The cabin was loud, full of laughs and a lot of love.

Everyone was crowded into the living room, your heart melted as Jax walked back in the room bouncing Abel in his arms.

"Someone doesn't want to go for a nap" Jax smiled leaning against the wall.

"He knows he's missing out of the fun" you laughed reaching down to grab something out of your bag "however he is too young for this"

"Girl no way" Happy shouted.

"Just like old times lass, you tattooing us in the club" Chibs winked.

"Well I didn't know what this one was planning" you giggled "so thought I'd bring it just in case and plus I kinda need happy to tattoo me"

"And what tattoo would that be Winston" Jax winked as he fixed a bottle up for Abel.

"Oh you know just some bird" you grinned. "But I know because it's basically going on my right boob above my heart happy is the only one you'd let do the tattoo"

"Damn right" Jax smirked "and it's about time you got my crow"

It was so nice to see the boys kick back and relax. As soon as you all stepped foot in the cabin you could see everyone visibly relax it would be the first time in forever that their kuttes wouldn't be worn for the weekend.

It was now 7pm and You had finally got Abel to go down, placing a kiss on his head you headed back to join the guys. Throwing a pillow onto Jax's lap you laid down resting you head in his lap, instantly Jax pulled your hair band out letting your hair down as he wrapped his arm around you.

This was what you needed, time with your man.

"Someone is gonna have to put a straw in my drink" you giggled lighting a smoke "I am not moving from this spot, momma bear is off duty so one of you knuckle heads are gonna have to see to Abel if he wakes"

"It's happy's turn tonight" Opie laughed.

If anyone walked in on you guys, they wouldn't think they was surrounded by outlaws, people who have killed or had records, the only give away to who you were was the bikes parked out front and the kuttes hanging in the hall. What they would see was a very dysfunctional family that had a lot of love for each other.

"So I think my favourite memory of this knuckle head was when she was 10 and stole the keys to my bike" Chibs smirked at me "she then stole my bike and crashed it into a tree. I was so angry but she gave me them damn puppy eyes and I broke"

"Hey not my fault dad taught me how to ride a bike when I was 7 years old" you shrugged as Jax played with your hair.

"God dad was furious when he found out" Opie laughed "but as always you have everyone wrapped round your finger so he lied it slide"

"What can I say bro" you laughed "I am the princess of SAMCRO"

"That you are" Jax grinned "but you are also my queen"

This comment alone caused the guys to make sounds of gagging.

"Seriously soppy Jax makes me want to puke" Tig shouted.

"As much as I love the soft side to Jax I gotta day I prefer the hard side" you smirked causing everyone to burst into laughter.

"Of course you do" Tig smirked.

"Okay can we move off the subject of Jax being hard" Opie shivered "it's gross and bad enough I walked in on the getting down and dirty"

"Yeah you really spoiled that moment bro" Jax said throwing a bottle cap at him.

"Okay so who's up for never have I ever" Juicy grinned.

"What are we like 12?" You laughed pushing up so you was sat up, throwing your legs over Jax legs, resting you head on his shoulder.

"You just complaint because you are gonna get wasted." Chibs smirked looking you dead in the eyes. You knew he would be calling you out "okay first one, never have I ever had sex on the table in the chapel"

"You evil bastard" you laughed downing the rest of you beer as Jax did the same.

"Ewwwwww I sit at that table" Bobby whined.

"Yeah I walked in on them" Chibs shuddered.

"Okay so I think most of you have walked in on me and Jax" you blushed.

Chibs was right you was wasted, you wasn't as innocent as people thought. It was safe to say everyone was some form of drunk. So nothing was said when you climbed onto of Jax and started placing hot kisses along his jaw. One look in your eyes he knew what you wanted.

"Shall we head up to bed" you whispered in his ear nipping his ear.

Jax didn't say anything he just placed his hands under your ass, standing up with your legs wrapped round his waist and carried you up to bed.

As soon as he placed you on the bed, clothes were being pulled off and thrown across the room and soon enough you was laying there completely naked.

"You are so fucking beautiful" Jax whispered against your skin as his fingers grazed your core making you moan.

"Jax love me" you whimpered at his touch, his smirk grew as he pushed two fingers inside curling them just right.

Your moans were music to Jax's ears as his tongue found your clit. It really wasn't long before you felt the fire building and Jax knew this by how your body was reacting to his every touch.

"Baby please" you breathed bucking your hips.

After he felt he had teased you enough he positioned himself on top of you pushing his length into your entrance making you moan and gasp.

"God you feel so good" Jax moaned in your ear as his hips rolled slowly getting faster with every thrust.

You knew full well the guys could probably hear you but you didn't care as you moaned Jax name.

"I love hearing my name come from your lips" he whispered before his lips found yours.

There was so much passion in the air, this was different to every other time you had sex, lust was replaced with love, rough was replaced with gentle.

It wasn't long before you was riding out your orgasm, nails digging in Jax's back as his thrusts became sloppy.

"I love you" you breathed as he came, resting his head against yours. "My life isn't worth living without you"

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