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You couldn't help but groan as your eyes fluttered open, the room was too bright and your head was spinning. Your back was in pieces, you was still groggy from the night before and maybe still drunk.

Running your hand through your knotted hair you soon realised why you left back was killing you, at some point last night both you and Chibs passed out of the pool table. The empty bottle of vodka laying between you, memories of the previous night coming back to you. Looking down you was wearing a hoodie that burried you and by the smell of it you knew it was Opie's. Pushing your self off the pool table you managed to untangle your sunglasses from your hair pulling them over your eyes, before going on the hunt for a much needed coffee.

Once you had made the strongest, sweetest coffee you needed you headed outside to see Opie sat on the bench.

"Happy birthday Leigh" he whispered putting his arm around you.

"Yeah happy fucking birthday to me aye" you sighed sparking a smoke. "Where is asshole anyway?"

"I put him in a taxi and sent him home" Opie said kissing your head "you really need to speak to him though"

"About what Him crushing my heart again with the same thing he did before, yeah no thanks" you said inhaling the smoke.

"Please don't run again" he whispered.

"I'm not going to run again" you sighed as Gemma's car pulled into the lot followed by Tara's. "is this bitch real right now"

You watched her every move, she soon walked up to you smirking.

"You got a nerve showing up here this morning" you said coldly.

"Need to speak to Jax" she shrugged.

"Well he's not here" you snapped "pregnant or not bitch I will smash your face into the ground if you don't get off this lot on the next 10 seconds"

This was the last thing you needed when nursing a hangover from hell.

"Baby what's going off?" Gemma said "and where's your ring?"

"You son can't keep his dick in his pants that's what wrong Gemma" you snapped tossing the cigarette on the floor "this bitch turns up last night and announces she's 6 weeks pregnant with Jax's baby"

Gemma's was expression turned cold as she look at Tara.

"This true?" She hissed.

"Yeah it is" Tara smirked.

"Fucking hell, you go take a shower you smell like a brewery and it will help the hangover, leave this one with me" Gemma smiled kissing your head before she placed the car seat next to Opie who instantly went into uncle mode. "And you bitch, you are coming with me"

Watching as Gemma dragged Tara into the office you sighed turning your attention to Abel who was grinning at Opie.

"You alright watching him?" You asked kissing Abel's head.

"Yeah" Opie smiled loving at you "go get cleaned up sis, you do kinda stink"

As Opie sat in the yard the sons was starting to wake up and head outside.

"So last night was eventful" Chibs sighed "how is the wee lass this morning"

"As you can expect, absolutely distraught. Does help Tara is in the office with Gem right now" Opie sighed "how's your head seen as you two did a whole bottle of vodka and passed out on the pool table"

"I'm getting to old to drink like I used to with Leigh" Chibs chuckled softly "she gunna be the death of me, has anyone spoken to Jax this morning?"

"I've tried ringing him but no answer" ope said grabbing Abel's bottle. "We need to make sure she's doesn't take off again, she said she wasn't going to but I could see it in her eyes she was considering it"

A taxi soon pulled into the lot and soon a very hungover Jax was stood in front of them.

"Sorry for the black eye brother" ope sighed "I should have listened to you before decking you"

"It's fine, I would have done the same thing if I was in your shoes" Jax sighed taking Abel off him.

"Expect world war 3 soon" Chibs sighed "Tara showed up this morning and is in the office with your mom"

"Fuck" Jax mumbled as he saw you walk out of the clubhouse. Obvious you had just come out the shower.

To say you was hungover as fuck, Jax still found you the most beautiful person ever, he watched as you pulled your sunglasses over your eyes, his eyes naturally ran over your body, the ripped skinny jeans hugged you in the right places and the tight SAMCRO hoodie did the same.

"Can I speak to you Harleigh?" Jax mumbled rubbing the back of his neck.

"Not really in the mood Jackson" you hissed.

His face dropped, he knew to back off as you never called him Jackson, he knew he was fighting a losing battle when you called him his full name.

Gemma soon came out of the office.

"Baby can I borrow you a second?" She asked placing her hand on your shoulder.

"Yeah I guess" you sighed as she lead you to the office.

What you didn't expect was seeing Tara sat there in tears and blood streaming down her nose, causing you to raise your eyebrow at Gemma.

"You punched her?" You laughed.

"Well yeah she upset both of my babies" she nodded. "Now I need you to shut up and listen to me okay Harleigh"

"Okay" you nodded leaning against the desk placing a smoke between your lips.

"So I know what's going through you head, this happened cuz you pushed Jax away whilst you was grieving, but I know for a fact Jax had a rough time trying to keep the club a float after you shot clay. So many mornings I found him asleep at the table" she said taking your hand. "With that being said I wasn't here all the time, so I've just made her take 3 pregnancy tests, and before you ask why I have tests in here, have you seen how many croweaters there are"

"Gem just get to the point please" you sighed as she held the tests up.

"Bitch isn't pregnant" Gemma whispered flipping them over "she's lying to break you and Jax apart"

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