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9 months later.

Taking a deep breath you stood at the doors of the clubhouse, arm linked in Chibs'

"You ready lass" He smiled placing a tender kiss on your forehead.

"As I will ever be" You grinned as he pushed the door open.

Tears instantly filled your eyes as you saw the transformation of the club house, it looked completely different, it still represented both you, Jax and the club but it looked elegant for once.

You watched Opie nudge Jax making him turn around, as soon as his eyes landed on you he started welling up, placing his hand over his eyes, wiping the tears away as he watched his very pregnant angel walk, well maybe waddle, down the make shift aisle.

"She's all yours now Jackie Boy" Chibs sniffed as he shook Jax's hand before kissing your cheek.

The service was short and sweet, just what you both wanted, however throughout the day you had been getting twinges in your stomach, and was starting to get some lower back pain. You was kind of preying that baby Teller number 3 didn't want to make an appearance today. Jax saw you wince after you had just said your vows.

"Give us a minute" He nodded at the registrar. "Darlin' you okay?"

"Yeah this little one is just causing me a bit of pain" You nodded placing your hand over your stomach as another contraction hit. This time it was a lot harder and stronger than before and it was in that moment that the baby had decided today was the day they was making their appearance.

Looking up at Jax you smiled, laughing softly.

"Urm yeah, as much as I don't want to rush this and all but I think somebody doesn't want to wait any longer so if you could hurry up and marry us that would be great" You said through laboured breaths making everyone laugh.

"Right okay then" The registrar laughed "If you can both place the rings on each other's fingers"

In all honesty the rest of the ceremony happened so fast, you was amazing. As soon Jax's lips met yours, your waters broke.

"I don't think this one will wait until we get to the hospital" You panted clinging onto Jax's shoulders as another contraction hit.

"Shit" Jax mumbled "Urm I am out of my depth here"

"First of all lets get you out of that dress baby" Gemma whispered placing her hand on your back guiding you into yours and Jax's dorm.

"Gem I'm scared" You sighed as she helped you change into one of Jax's shirts. "This isn't the place to deliver a baby"

"I am afraid little one doesn't know that" She laughed softly.

Soon enough you was laying on the pool table with Gemma on the phone to the paramedics who was conveniently stuck in traffic, Chibs was next to you as had a death grip on his hand every time a contraction hit and Jax was well, being Jax, he was at the end of the pool table with his hand on your knee.

"Looks like we are delivering this baby ourselves son" Gemma nodded at him.

One thing that was bothering Jax was the fact that you was here trying to give birth and everyone was behind him meaning they got full view of your goods.


"God I'm the one in labour and you are still being protective" You breathed.

"Yeah well I'm the only one that gets to see everything of you" he winked "well and now mom"

The room was complete chaos, your screams filled the club, Opie's voice ordering people around, Chibs muttering shit in gaelic every time you crushed his hand.

"I can see the head" Jax said looking up at you.

"Good for you now just get this fucking baby out" You snapped pushing down.

"Come on darlin' you are nearly there" Jax grinned.

After a couple more pushed tiny cries filled the club, you had never heard the club fall as silent so quickly.

"It's a girl" Jax said as tears rolled down his cheeks.

It was at that moment the paramedics walked into the room, quickly taking over, making sure you and your baby was okay.

"You did it" Jax whispered kissing your head "shes beautiful, covered in gunk but beautiful"

"I didn't get chance to say this before" You laughed "But I love you, Husband"

"You are such a dork but I love you to Wife" Jax grinned kissing you softly, as your baby girl was placed in your arms.

"We need to name her" You whispered not taking your eyes off her.

"How about Brooke Amber" He smiled.

"Yeah I like that" You grinned "Brooke Amber Teller"

So that was how you spent your wedding night, not partying but cuddling your new born whilst Abel snuggled into your lap and Jax kept his arm around his family.

You never thought that revealing the biggest secret of your life would lead you here, yes there had been heartache, chaos and loss along the way but it lead you back to Jax. 

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