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"Where's Jax?" You said still groggy from the anaesthetic.

"He's on his way lass" Chibs smiled squeezing your hand. "Things are gonna be okay"

Squeezing your eyes closed, you willed yourself to wake up from this nightmare but it was no use as it was real. Hearing the door open you opened your eyes to see Jax stood in the door way looking rough and like he was gonna break down into tears.

"I will leave you two alone" Chibs nodded kissing your head.

As soon as he left you opened your arms to Jax who instantly crawled into the bed with you.

"I thought I'd lost you both" he sobbed into your chest as you ran your hands through his hair.

"How's our boy?" You whispered leaning your head against Jax's.

"He has the Teller family flaw and tear in his abdomen. They are saying there's only a 20 percent chance he will make it" Jax sobbed.

"Hey look at me a second baby" you whispered making Jax look up, you put your hands on his cheeks "Abel is a fighter, he will make it through this. Have you been to see him?"

"I couldn't not without you, poor lad is in a toaster" Jax sighed.

"Sorry to interrupt I just wanted to see you Harleigh was awake" Tara said as she stood at the end of the bed.

"You my doctor?" You spat.

"No but I-"

"Then get out. I don't want you here" you hissed.

"Baby calm down please" Jax whispered kissing your head.

Sighing you glared at Tara, you hated her ever since you was 12 and she started dating Jax. Even though Jax was 4 years older than you, you made it clear about your feelings for her and you was there to pick up the pieces when she skipped town leaving a broken hearted Jax. You couldn't see the irony, you basically did the same thing Tara did.

"She's operating on our son, so please be nice" Jax whispered in your ear as he ran his hand over your hair.

"Fine but only for Abel's sake" you whispered leaning into Jax.

A couple of hours had passed and your doctor was now sat in the chair next to the bed.

"So we have the toxicology report back" he said.

"Wait why did you run that I'm not taking anything I'm not a junkie" you said getting wound up.

"It's procedure miss Winston, it's just precaution and I'm glad we did" he nodded. "It came back showing high levels of naproxen in your blood and we believe that is was caused the gastroschisis in your son"

"I stopped taking naproxen well before I was pregnant so how can it be in my blood" you asked in confusion.

"This is what the test is showing Miss Winston" he said "I will leave you two alone but when you are ready let me know and I will take you to see your son"

"I don't get it Jax" you sighed "I've not taken pain killers that strong since i moved back home"

"Someone must have slipped it into your drink" he said holding you tight.

"I don't want to point fingers but clay has been extra nice to me recently, bringing me drinks when I'm at the club house" you whispered.

"Try not to worry about it darlin' I will look into things and there will be hell to play when I find out who did this" Jax said kissing the top of your head "now I've been putting off going to see our little man because I can't do it without you. So you up for going to see our fighter?"

"Yeah I want to see him" you grinned.

Standing over the incubator or as Jax keeps referring the toaster you was in awe of the little boy.

"We made that" you laughed leaning into Jax for support.

"We sure did babygirl" Jax smiled placing his hand over the top of the toaster. "One thing I'm glad about, he had your green eyes"

"Damn I was hoping they'd be blue" you laughed.

You and Jax just stood there staring at your son when Opie came into the room with a sleepy Amber clinging to his neck.

"Sorry guys she's refusing to leave the hospital until she sees you guys and her little brother" Opie whispered.

"Thanks bro" Jax nodded letting him know it was okay before taking amber out of his arms.

"Oh god he's so small" Opie whispered putting his arm around you as he looked over your son.

"They are hoping in a couple of days they can go in and fix his heart then his stomach" you whispered.

"He is gonna be okay, I mean look at who his parents are and the lines he comes from" Opie chuckled. "Want me to take amber for the night?"

"If you don't mind, I know you and Donna are going through some shit" you said looking up at him.

"It's no bother, that's what's family is for like sis" he whispered kissing your head "you make sure you rest up"

"I'm not gonna have much choice with blondie over there" you laughed.

"Hey I heard that" Jax laughed softly.

"Was meant to" you smirked walking over and kissing Ambers head. "Uncle Ope is going to take you to his baby, you can come see your brother when you are more awake okay"

"Okay momma" amber whispered "I love you"

"I love you too baby" you whispered as Opie took her from Jax and headed out.

"I don't want to be alone tonight" you mumbled as Jax pulled you into his lap.

"I'm not leaving Leigh, I'm gonna be right here" Jax whispered kissing your hand.

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