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"Gemma this smells amazing" you grin grabbing a plate for you and Jax.

It was nice for him to have time off and spend some time with Abel, there was something about seeing him in full dad mode that made you want another baby.

"Thanks baby" she smiled kissing your head as you loaded the plates up.

As soon as you sat down Abel reached over for you making you smile.

"That's it as soon as mommy apears I'm no longer wanted" Jax laughed as he passed Abel over to you.

"He can't help it he's a momma's boy" you winked.

"So what's the plan for today?" Tig asked.

"I don't know about you guys but Hap is gonna tattoo me" you nodded. "So we are gonna be busy for a while as he's doing two"

"Am I now" he laughed raising his eyebrow at you.

"Yeah" you winked "they are already drawn up"

Breakfast was like any other breakfast with the boys, a lot of laugher, teasing and love.

A couple of hours had passed and Happy had finished tattooing you, tears filled your eyes as you looked down at your forearm to see the finished angel with the words "Pops" and "Amber" written one cursive in the angels wings.

"Hap you have done it again" you smiled softly "turned my drawing into something amazing. Thank you"

Jax grinned at you as he walked in with Abel sleeping in his arms.

"Let's see them darlin'" he smirked standing over you. "You look good with my crow"

"Also it was about time I got a tattoo for pops and Amber" you smiled turning your arm over to reveal the angel.

You could see the tears in Jax's eyes, before he placed a soft kiss on your forehead.

"Happy can you take little man" he smiled "I've got a few names I need on my skin"

"Sure man" Happy said pulling off the disposal apron and gloves.

As soon as happy took Abel, Jax pulled his shirt off, you couldn't help yourself as your eyes trailed over his body making a smirk appear on his lips. After about an hour you had freehanded and tattooed Abel and Amber's name on his chest over his heart, Ambers name had wings either side of it.

"Baby I've been thinking of asking Opie to be my best man" Jax whispered as you was wiping the excess ink off him skin. "But I know you will want him to walk you down the aisle"

"Jax, ope is your best friend" you smiled. "I don't mind you asking him"

"Who will give you away?" Jax whispered taking your hand in his.

"Chibby" you laughed "he's like my second dad"

Just before Jax spoke there was a crack of thunder making a grin appear on your lips l, you loved thunderstorms. As soon as you finished cleaning Jax up you went and got Abel off Happy before wandering into the conservatory.

"Hey princess" Chibs smiled kissing your head as he joined you on the sofa. "Thought I'd find you here"

"You know me, love a good storm" you smiled nudging his knee with your foot "need to ask you something as well"

"Ok shoot lass" he said turning to face you placing a hand on your leg.

"So Ope was gonna give me away, but Jax wants him as his best man so I've said he could" you nodded "and you have always been like a dad to me Filip so wanna give your god daughter away"

"You want me to give you away" he said lowly tears in his eyes.

"Yeah I do" you smiled softly at him.

"I'd be honoured lass" he grinned wiping the single tear away that was running down his cheek before he opened his arms out, managing to snuggle up to him whilst still holding Abel, he wrapped his arms around the both of you "I love you kid, you remember that"

"I love you too chibby" you laughed as he kissed the top of your head.

"Your old man would be so proud of how you are dealing with things" he whispered.

"Even me battering Clay" you laughed looking up at him.

"Oh definitely then lass" he winked "now you started planning the wedding yet?"

"Not really, with everything going on it's been the last thing on my mind you know" you nodded.

"I get ya" Chibs nodded "knowing you and Jax you will have everything planned out and then just going to do some spur of the moment wedding"

"More than likely" you laughed "I don't know why I should even bother planning a whole day"

"It's yours and Jax day so do what ever you want to do princess" he smiled "I still can't believe you are a mom though. I still remember you running around the club house in nothing but a nappy whilst your old man was knocking the shots back"

"No wonder mom didn't want me staying with pops" you laughed

"Apparently the club wasn't the place to raise a child" Chibs shrugged "but I dunno you, Jax and Opie seem to have turned out alright so we can't have screwed you up too much"

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