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It had been a month since you all visited the cabin, in a way you missed it, missed not having to deal with the club shit and spend time together as a family.

Unfortunately that wasn't the case, Jax had started to become distant with all the stuff kicking off with the Irish, and it was starting to take a toll on you, especially as you just found out you was pregnant again. You had known for a couple of days but hadn't really seen Jax to tell him the news. Walking through the club house with Abel in his car seat, the atmosphere was dull.

Placing Abel down on the bar you sighed fiddling with your engagement ring. The doors to the chapel opened and the boys filed out, all expect Jax. Picking Abel up out of the car seat you smiled at the boys before going to see Jax.

"Hey baby" you whispered closing the doors behind you.

"Hey" he nodded holding his arms out for Abel.

"You okay?" You asked passing Abel to him.

"Yeah just same old shit you know" he sighed "just trying to do the right thing you know, by the club and by you guys"

"I know baby" you said kissing his head and squeezing his shoulders.

"I know I've been distant lately and I'm sorry" he whispered looking up at you.

"Jax I get it, honestly" you smiled softly at him. "It can't be easy being president especially with all the shit Clay left, trying to sort everything about dropping the guns"

"We've got a call tonight at 8 with the kings, to discuss the leave from gun" Jax whispered leaning back into you.

"Baby just go for a ride" you whispered kissing his head. "Try and clear your head"

"Why are you so good to me" Jax sighed "at times I literally feel like the devil"

"Because I love you Jax" you smiled "now go, Chibs will be fine for a couple of hours"

Finally you managed to convince Jax to go clear his head. You knew where he'd end up, he would go to the cemetery. Joining the others you leant your head on Chibs' shoulder.

"You alright lass?" He asked.

"Yeah just managed to convince Jax to go for a ride to clear his head" you nodded "god knows he needs it"


"What time is it?" Jax asked as he grabbed a beer.

"Two minutes to 8:00" juice said checking his phone.

"All right, everyone to the table. Let's take this call" Jax nodded just wanting to get this over with.

"Table, boys. Table" Chibs shouted getting the attention of every.

"Hey, Chucky." Jax said as he noticed something on the bar "You know where this pen came from?"

"Yeah, it's a shamrock pen. Delivery guy left it a few hours ago" Chucky said

"What delivery?"

"Beer. Gemma must've ordered it." Chucky shrugged.

Jax looked at Chibs with a look of horror on his face.

"Full table for the vote. Everyone out! Get out!" Jax screamed, this was the IRA they were dealing with, as Jax was getting everyone out panic set in as he hadn't seen you or Abel. "Now, get out! Chibs wheres leigh and Abel?"

"They went for a nap in you room" Chibs shouted already running to Jax dorm with Jax behind him.

"Baby come on we need to get out" Jax shouted scooping Abel up into his arm.

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